Anyrail ios. Jul 25, 2024 · Hi David, I have got v7.

Anyrail ios It's also entirely independent, so you can build with almost any track. I just resent your license details for your reference. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Nov 12, 2017 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 30, 2025, 01:31:31 AM. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Sep 14, 2024 · HO CNIC Gilman Sub South 17x30 WLD-CLI-FMV. SCARM didn't have Atlas products last time I looked and I don't want the other software with a big learning curve. Anlagenmaße sind grob:630cm x 135cm -für den langen Schenkel und 230cm x 270cm für den kurzen. During the process I moved the track several times adjusting my work & noticed the image did not move as I moved the sections of track. Not many mice offer the ability to push the scroll wheel to the sides. Also, we've added the concept of table tops and Nov 17, 2024 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 29, 2025, 01:48:52 PM. Sep 12, 2023 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 03, 2025, 01:44:37 PM. David Hoogvorst. I have also installed Windows 11 using Parallels on an M1 Apple Silicon Macbook pro. AnyRail will tell you the "reversing loop" as it see it; the actual reversing section might be within that area, and maybe not he whole loop if properly constructed. Oct 23, 2024 · Hello, Danny, There's a kink in the mainline between the two curved turnouts. This video is the Introduction to AnyRail and cover how to se Dec 9, 2024 · Hi David, When designing track plans for clients I like to work using centerlines for the track. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has With the trial version, you can freely use AnyRail for small layouts of up to 50 elements. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Jan 24, 2017 · Since I have started experimenting with Anyrail I find it is a very nice program and for the money quite powerful; however, I have hundreds of buildings, bridges and other objects constructed in DXF and editable PDF files and it would save me THOUSANDS of hours if I could just import these already built objects into AnyRail rather than need to Nov 10, 2011 · The font size you set is what it is at 1:1. Nov 29, 2017 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 03, 2025, 12:21:24 PM. One of the members of the group created a nice little module image with a piece of Kato track on it. I think I have a rude awakening coming when I try to fit my sketched layout into a scale layout drawing! AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! With AnyRail you can design your own layout. Jun 20, 2010 · My off-the-cuff thought is that if AnyRail simply painted a border along each side of the track that matches the background color, whatever it may be, then whatever track is on top will create a gap in any track it crosses. AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 04, 2025, 03:23:23 AM. Oct 12, 2024 · You should be able to open AnyRail 6 files in AnyRail 7 via File/Open. Some things have moved in the interface, but most things should look familiar. Jul 7, 2019 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 02, 2025, 02:49:43 PM. Jul 9, 2014 · AnyRail makes this easy with its easement tool (10 degrees on each end of curve is sufficient, if keeping the same radius). The main reason that you can't get your track to align, and why AnyRail could never align/connect the ends for you, is that the rigid geometry doesn't allow any flexibility to do so - the track parts cannot be changed in length or curvature. I have any rail on laptop but don't seem able to load it onto iPad. Doesn't work in Win7 64 Pro, sorry. 2 since my operating system is WIN 7. Creator of AnyRail. 2. The User Files Location entry will be used during the AnyRail export. There's more information on using AnyRail with JMRI here. When done, reconnect the three levels. To register AnyRail # Open the File tab, and click Jan 25, 2018 · Quote from: Tom Springer on January 26, 2018, 12:21:15 AM Lines work if you have a single-width roadway. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has The tiles in AnyRail are inspired by two existing products. Using this feature, you can easily close the track when there are small gaps. If you're used to Windows, you can create your first usable model railroad design in minutes! AnyRail maximizes the chance that your tracks will actually fit when you build your precious layout for real. May 23, 2016 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 30, 2025, 10:04:27 AM. I spent a while after loading image making a yard with turnouts & sidings using the image to assist. 'p' - Adds a new point when hovering a line or surface Feb 6, 2010 · AnyRail Model Railroad Forum General Category Wish list Create a "Fast Tracks" track library + creating open format for tracks & objects Jul 10, 2024 · After a long long time, we've finally have a first official release of AnyRail 7. Sep 15, 2024 · Some old (version 5) licenses were accidentally accepted by AnyRail 7. Jul 13, 2024 · This just was not possible with AnyRail v6. Can you tell me if any rail is compatible with iPad & iPad mini. Let somebody else develop the technology. If you like it, buy a license key and remove this limit without having to reinstall the software. To register, first buy a license on our website. Speculating this is what happened to you. Oct 19, 2010 · The trial version and the license version are completely identical, except for the number of parts you can use per design. The experience isn't optimised for mobile devices, but you can at least load it up and refer to it from wherever you happen to be. We paid a high price for our proprietary technology in more than one way. Click the SETTINGS tab. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Nov 21, 2024 · The key that you purchased for AnyRail 6 also works for AnyRail 7. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Nov 7, 2008 · I have placed 4 pieces of Peco SetTrack ST12 as a semicircle (radius 228mm 45 deg each) the end angles are 90 deg. Except for a larger curve at the top, all of the curves on xLevel are 18" radius. in Excel bei Grafiken und Formen, aber eben auch in AnyRail: Wenn man ein Objekt kopiert und einfügt und dann an dem Objekt zieht um es zu positionieren, verrutscht der Fokus meist automatisch auf ein anderes, meist das hintere Objekt. S. We have now several dozens modules existing and having them as a library to draw plans for exhibitions is our biggest need, I can't wait to see this in Anyrail ! Jun 26, 2010 · Left-Right scrolling is implemented. x (at least on my computer) centerlines now show up as a light gray color, which makes it almost impossible to see/work with when designing on a white background. Oct 21, 2024 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 27, 2025, 01:51:45 AM. J'aimerais reproduire certains bâtiments qui ne se trouve pas dans les bibliothèques fournies de base avec le logiciel. May 2, 2010 · I'm using AnyRail to prepare track plans for TrainPlayer so I can fix up problems in TP but I don't like doing that. 1 desktop taskbar below. 3, this is no longer the case. . Enter a Length and Width. It is all but useless for designing hand-built pointwork. Other keys: 'Delete' - works when hovering track or hovering a point on a line or surface. A majority of the posts on the forum, appear (to me) to be from users having a single purpose use for AnyRail, i. Most everything that goes wrong with the AnyRail->TP conversion is our fault. The AnyRail software should be the latest version. It comes pre-loaded with a wide range of sectional and flex. 04. Select File ⇒ Export as; select JMRI Layout file. - Measure the distance between the intersection and the closer fixed point. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Dec 11, 2009 · AnyRail creates the slope. Jan 27, 2022 · Eine weitere Frage: Es ist eigentlich ein "Windows-Problem", weil ich es in vielen Programmen habe, z. Templot is for hand-built track design. In AnyRail's case I would focus on track related features. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Sep 11, 2012 · Je teste actuellement la version d'Anyrail pour éventuellement remplacer mon logiciel Raily 2. Version 6. Will Anyrail be able to have a 3d view of the room? Will anyrail be able to run trains on designs? Personally i'd love the following; To run your trains in DCC after you have designed and built your layout! Anyrail Operator i'd call it. Any advice would be gratefully received. But that's just a cultural difference between the North American approach and the European (including UK) approach. However, having used a few generic vector drawing packages, I suggest considering adopting certain common practises in Anyrail as well. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Nov 29, 2024 · I am trying to create a a user object for my Facebook group to use. This will open the operating system file manager at that location. Dec 28, 2011 · You can 'cheat' with AnyRail when you uncheck the 'Autoconnect' checkbox in the 'Settings' tab. And Atlas is not alone in forcing track to measure what it wants, whether or not it makes any sense. (met 'site' bedoelde ik natuurlijk mijn account, je merkt wel dat ik niet zo handig ben met het pc gebeuren) Nu is mijn vraag; hoe krijg ik de complete anyrail licentie op deze laptop. If desired, click on the Open User Files Location button. , but everything between both ends is left free to the user. I took the liberty of removing it. B. Apr 9, 2012 · Welcome to the forum! Pet peeve of mine! Designating the heights is at present the only way. transferman Jan 5, 2023 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 02, 2025, 07:19:11 AM. Heb bij mij thuis een heel sporenplan gemaakt op anyrail en zou daar op deze locatie ook mee aan de slag willen gaan. Here you can put your AnyRail files with structures, buildings, tunnel entrances, trees, etc. We will approve registration requests as quickly as possible (unless you're a spammer of course ) Sep 4, 2020 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 31, 2025, 05:28:49 PM. Short version: Get a used PC and use Jump Desktop to remote into the old PC. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Jul 25, 2024 · Hi David, I have got v7. In the trial version, this is limited to 50 elements. In our logs, I see no registration attempt with your key, so I can't say what goes wrong. I'm going to try Anyrail. It also deletes your selection. I can do ok until i try to put in the last couple of pieces to connect to the turn out and then i get the dreaded RED. AnyRail. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Mar 21, 2011 · HJ-"Ahhhh, Huh Just tried it. Note to SpamArrest users: We cannot afford to have a lawyer check every email we send out, or to pay damages of USD 2,000 for every email that SpamArrest objects to. By pressing the mouse-wheel left or right. for others to copy and paste from! Please give your post a clear title including the scale Posts: 483 AnyRail with JMRI. Jun 19, 2011 · I downloaded the trial version of AnyRail and it looks pretty good. I tried to get v7. 58. I'm sorry, but AnyRail is only available for Windows. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Oct 28, 2013 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 04, 2025, 05:58:08 AM. While I'm at it when you designate the elevation points on a grade, make sure you lock them when you have the correct grade,also, to get an even grade you need to "smooth slope". Enjoy designing your layout - AnyRail ensures everything fits. May 26, 2011 · Anyrail seems to work well with Windows 10 in this emulator configuration. David. Wait till you try designing things like double-track crossings and double crossovers! Apr 8, 2009 · Hi AnyRail users, I have been meaning to investigate Chris's layout and post a detailed reply here, but distractions have gotten in the way so instead I have a fuzzy reply for now. However, most will want to print out their plans at 1:10 or so, with readable text, so text sizes will usually be in the 100-200 range. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Oct 14, 2024 · Hi all, I tried the trial Version of AR 6. I had issues running AnyRail under Wine in Peppermint, primarily downloading UDO's. Used PCs are cheap (I had one, but I've seen better ones on eBay for less than $100). Nov 16, 2024 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! December 12, 2024, 12:16:12 AM. When you use AnyRail as a business tool, like I do, it takes on a very different meaning. I am new to AnyRail, so please let me know if this is already possible. Habe jetzt mal einen Entwurf reingesetzt. Nov 6, 2018 · Looking at your trackage, using the Marklin C track, you have to live and work with the fixed geometry that track library provides. You can do that by opening 'Tools/Options' once again, and selecting the 'View' tab. 3 running ok. FREMO who, despite being module based, manages to bre Feb 5, 2024 · You cannot change the embankments that AnyRail generates. When it comes to laying track on table top this I where you do very well to lay out on the printed paper or do a good job of tracing from paper on to table top. If you're still on Windows 10, make sure to update to 22H2. Apr 21, 2012 · This seems to be the longest desired, not-yet-implemented request. Dec 4, 2024 · AnyRail Model Railroad Forum General Category Track plans Layout Plans for Mittenwald and Schönmühlen Noch Preformed (Fertiggelände) Oct 17, 2023 · Hello All, I'm new to all this model railroad stuff and was wondering how I can import my track plan into Train Player? Feb 24, 2013 · Quote from: David on February 24, 2013, 11:25:42 AM Mike, Scalextric was just added as a 'track' library to AnyRail. Jan 24, 2014 · Ja, de proefversie is goed gelukt. With version 7. Microsoft ended support for these old versions years ago (in January 2015 and January 2023). Oct 18, 2019 · AnyRail is intended for track planning with commercial track such as Peco. Imagine having your exact track plan ready to accept data from your layout to your design! Your thoughts? Oct 10, 2024 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 02, 2025, 11:03:29 AM. 89 MB, 7680x4800 viewed 785 times AnyRail can now export your layout design to JMRI. May 27, 2011 · Interesting, but a bit to UK centered and generally too geometrically rigid. Embarrassed Embarrassed I can click/select one of the squares in the row, then add the colour and nothing happens other than the cursor in the paint display gizmo jumping to the very bottom. Dec 28, 2018 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 03, 2025, 09:30:30 PM. Make a note of it. Jul 26, 2010 · Would it be possible to show the total track and objects for each layer, as well as for the whole layout? If I want to work it out at the moment, the only way I can see to do it is to copy and paste the list into Word, isolate the lengths (a long process) so that I finish up with lengths and number of each length, then dump it into Excel to do the calculations. Nov 6, 2020 · If your primary computer is a Mac and you want to run Anyrail, here is how I do it and love the results. 2Specifying a work area size In AnyRail, you can set the outer limits of your work area. Jul 17, 2016 · David Thx for quick reply. 1. Such an app would let you open an AnyRail design, zoom in and scroll, and hide/show layers or certain types of elements. Simply start AnyRail twice, and you can easily copy stuff from other plans into your own plan. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Dec 9, 2017 · News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has been disabled. If it's not OK, 'Undo' (Ctrl-Z), and retry with other values. AnyRail has run fine under Ubuntu 12. Real world roads tend to have larger widths on curves. Hi Bob, Welcome to the AnyRail forum - I recognised your name immediately (I am Les-M on the iTrain forum). I have searched the interface and not seen it. Windows for ARM is hard to locate, so I was not able to install with VMware, but Parallels seems to install it just fine as part of the install process. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Oct 20, 2012 · In a digitally controlled layout equipped with track occupancy detectors it is a common practice to use track sections (or blocks) for purposes like braking and stopping. If you have a version 5 license, and Nov 19, 2024 · AnyRail makes it easy to create an accurate track plan for your model railway layout. It's all about content creation today. such is the genius of AnyRail! best regards, Gary Apr 1, 2008 · We always wanted to "control" our products. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Feb 20, 2013 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 30, 2025, 04:08:44 AM. Apr 10, 2010 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 30, 2025, 06:58:50 PM. Quit PanelPro. Thanks in advance. The file contains a Layout Editor panel and related tables. Jul 14, 2024 · The standards defines interfaces at each end of a module, height of the boxes etc. P. com. " Just like scarm 50 sections of track doesn't give you much, trust me. And road widths vary in size, depending on era, "standards", type of road, number of lanes, etc. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Apr 29, 2014 · After experimenting with Peppermint Linux I decided to revert back to Ubuntu 12. Mar 27, 2022 · Here is the page (from the Gilbert 1952 manual) with the diagram and BOM. It's not the program it's the user and i would assume it's why i didn't do to well in geometry. The feature with the mousewheel is available in any software I use. As AnyRail 7 does not run on Windows 7 or 8. Aug 30, 2012 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 28, 2025, 09:45:56 AM. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Sep 3, 2019 · If I set radius 1 to 360, then set radius 2 to 360, then change radius 1 to 914, so that radius 2 is not changed and is now violating the "must be equal/greater" rule, AnyRail is allowing me to do that, so there's a problem with that. AnyRail already does this with "Round corner" for lines. I've used AnyRail for all phases of my layouts and it is still a great tool to have and would totally recommend it. We get quite a few demands for slot car racing, and 'cinoaz' was very helpful. It's frequently updated by a team and not just one guy and there's a user object library meaning if it's not in the software's object library then there's a good chance it's in the user's library. Jan 28, 2025 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 28, 2025, 04:07:26 PM. Trying to support these platforms would hold us back too much. I have been using AnyRail a couple of years and know it pretty well, and I already number my layers to help organise scenery, contours, different lines in the layout, etc, but your idea of creating a hierarchy is inspired and helpful. designing their own layouts. Oct 9, 2010 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 27, 2025, 08:26:18 AM. At least that's what I'm seeing. 29 added support for exporting AnyRail designs that use flex track. e. AnyRail™ is probably the easiest-to-use model railway design tool around. Feb 12, 2022 · As far as I know, you have 2 choices here, save as a different name and have Trainplayer re-generate the track, but loose all the trains you had saved before, or buy Tracklayer, save the layout changes under the same name in Anyrail, export the changes to Trainplayer, open Tracklayer from within Trainplayer and alter the tracks in Trainplayer Aug 15, 2013 · You'll find, as you gain experience with AnyRail, that the parallel track issue is FAR from the only one there is in Atlas track. That way you can take your track plans with you to your club, attic or show without a need to bring a laptop. 4 days ago · Since I started with Anyrail recently, I've been impressed how productive it is compared to some well-known competing "heavy-weights". It's free to use, and all happens in a browser so in theory it'll work on all sorts of devices. Nowadays 90% of all games are based some engine or the other. Feb 15, 2017 · For something that's browser-based, you might like to take a look at TraxEditor. One is the Uhlenbrock Gleisbildstellpult: The other one is the Viessmann variety: Feb 25, 2019 · Good Morning, I was wondering whether it is possible to have a way to connect the + and the -droppers into the track in my AnyRail plan, as connected to a virtual Power Supply, and have a way of alerting for short circuits, maybe by highlighting sections of track in a different colour, or something like that. TIP: To draw the table for your layout, draw For support or inquiries about AnyRail, please send an email to info@anyrail. The AnyRail layout planning software can now export a layout design as a JMRI panel file that can be loaded by PanelPro. Je länger ich es benutze, desto mehr spass macht es Gleispläne zu entwerfen. The track pieces fit perfectly, no "fudging" required. for others to copy and paste from! Please give your post a clear title including the scale Jul 28, 2018 · In every case, AnyRail served my needs to produce a product the client was willing to pay for. 1, we prevented the installation on these old versions of Windows. Sep 12, 2019 · Why not just make a short piece of flex track, put it in the gap connected to both track ends and then you know the length of the gap - the length of that track. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has Apr 17, 2013 · I've used the anyrail demo to make a couple ho layouts, since I don't have the time or money to actually build them, I was wondering if there was a way to bring them into Trainz? I would use the track plans as a template to lay track and other objects. 5, but my "Bottom of the Barrell" laptop HARD DRIVE (62gig)is full of other stuff, so some time ago I bought 1T External HD, via USB in hope to get more room on the Laptop, like moving all the AUTOSAVE files, my Documents and pictures, I do really need a SPRING CLEAN of my Laptop, but really COMPUTER SAVY has got me to where I am today. You are calling the wrong guy ! Quote from: bobel on May 03, 2010, 08:49:54 PM so I can fix up Sep 19, 2015 · Bis jetzt habe ich noch kein besseres und einfacheres Programm gefunden als AnyRail. P. Nov 9, 2011 · Where I do see opportunities is in a viewer app for Android and iOS. This will create a 'hill' in the 3D view. Aug 21, 2008 · AnyRail user since: 26/12/2007 Dream layout: HO freelance layout set in an imaginary European country bordering to Belgium, Germany, and Netherlands Nov 11, 2024 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! January 09, 2025, 12:27:14 AM. Whenever the tolerances (on the same tab) are met, the track will connect. To specify a work area size 1. See the AnyRail documentation. Apr 3, 2012 · AnyRail makes model railroad design so easy, it's fun! February 03, 2025, 11:21:17 PM. You can also add a surface, set its height, and tick 'Height contour' on the SURFACES tab. Nov 4, 2008 · Copy and Paste works also between two running instances of AnyRail. This is the first video in a series that I will be making as tutorials on how to use AnyRail. May 26, 2011 · Hello David, I couldn't get it to run in VM and others have said it won't run in Parallels. Find the Work Area group: 3. jpg 8. I wish to emulate this with flex and so placed the flex on top and set the ends to 90 deg and dragged the adjusters at 270 deg to match the half circle. If necessary, start AnyRail and open the layout design file. The most important changes are in the fact that it is a 64 bits version of the software, and that we've improved the 3D viewer a lot. Perhaps what you're asking for is better blending between contours? But I think the current arrangement of all points on a contour being the same height is the one that will make sense to most people, since it's the same principle as on any regular geographic map. Jun 18, 2014 · As the background of AnyRail icon is transparent, it is not very visible against darker backgrounds as can be seen in Win 8. Anyway I've just bought a Mac after fighting Windows7 installed on a laptop. 04 and I have been able to download UDO's with no problem. You can however change things a bit by selecting 'Bridge' for certain stretches (on the TRACK tab, once the track is selected). News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has A couple of random observations on control points and track end symbols. I am not sure who actually does the scrolling, AnyRail of Microsoft. It was not just this but had other issues and conflicts in general with Peppermint. Quote from: Jeff on June 28, 2010, 02:35:21 PM Dec 5, 2024 · Thank you for the reply All sorted now It's worth paying for as the program comes in very useful indeed I'll try to keep a look out on the forum in future as it's been awhile since I've being on Aug 1, 2010 · E. You can see the 3 areas where the AnyRail program does not line up. All new features are listed here. The current track end symbol of a cross-hair and a half-triangle is not that bad; it suggests the symmetrical way that track connectors function. g. Jan 21, 2024 · Question for today: can any rail be downloaded to an IPhone or iPad? No - iPhone and iPad do not run Windows. Mar 4, 2018 · The reversing section must be longer than the actual train that you will run, especially if you run cars with metal wheels, or with wheelsets that are set up for "block detection". Also, especially with the smallest tiles on Start screen, the icon can not be identified easily when surrounded by other icons. Chris Dec 24, 2024 · Given two fixed points and bearings of the alignments at each point, you can calculate the greatest radius that can be used to connect the points. Starting with version 7. Téléchargez AnyRail gratuitement pour concevoir des plans de voies ferrées jusqu'à 50 sections de voie. Je bloque sur la création d'éléments. Can I purchase a license for that system or do I need to use one of the newer versions? May 21, 2012 · I have a track plan of the station I want to model (scanned from a plan of the prototype) and it would be great to have it integrated into AnyRail as a background so I can use it as a reference. You will immediately receive an email stating your registered user name and license key. That works fine. To show just one level, you need to make AnyRail show a 'horizontal slice'. It is rather essential that these sections have a suitable length for the purpose, something which is easy to determine with Anyrail. As I mentioned in a post a year or so ago whereas someone designing a home layout may only do a couple of layouts and a lot of tweaking with AnyRail in a lifetime those of us doing modular layouts do that in a month. If you want to go beyond that, you need to buy a license key that unlocks the software and lifts this restriction. Determine where tangents projected from the fixed points intersect. () Why don't you ask TP to solve their own problems ? It looks to me, you try to misuse AnyRail to help your Walters problem. Of course there are always exceptions i. Prerequisites. I just need some help with completing a reverse loop or a wye. 1. News: Due to heavy spamming attempts on this forum, automatic registration has AnyRail accepts measurements in both formats, and rounds fractions to the nearest 1/64 of an inch. Nov 14, 2024 · You can download AnyRail for free and design layouts of up to 50 sections of track. I believe some earlier versions of the Mac OS X will enable XP to be installed using Boot Camp,but the latest OS X Lion will only allow Windows7 which is why I bought a copy,it works perfectly for about the same price as buying If you want to take part in an Apple vs PC war, or if you prefer, Android vs iOS "discussion", there are plenty of opportunities on the internet! It's more that I don't really see how AnyRail would work on an iPad. bjj cey ihwc snglvv dhr pfedd abr liiv vyjoa dnkgly rvna ouskbm znpi dpfgec vvkf