Close infowindow when another marker is clicked ===== Example (it's incomplete sample, but Jan 29, 2025 · By default, an info window remains open until the user clicks the close control (a cross at top right of the info window), or presses the ESC key. ===== Example (it's incomplete sample, but See full list on developers. Problem: the info window closes immediately when the mouse leaves the marker. Also, you may have SAME-ORIGIN issues if you attempt to load url www. You do not need a separate instance of an infoWindow for each marker. Answer of user1724001: Creating a listener everytime a marker is clicked is also not a good idea. close() method. Jan 13, 2017 · I would like to use an info window for my map. If a user clicks on another marker, the current info window will be hidden and the new info window will be displayed. But it cannot close the opened infoWindow when another marker is clicked. . I want to also be able to click the info window and have an alert show up that says "You clicked on the infowindow for (__fill in blank location_) Jul 5, 2013 · It creates a lot markers and when you click on a maker a infowindow appers. infowindow. I need this because, i have a hyperlink on the info window and the user should be able to click on the hyperlink. Reload to refresh your session. The following code will show Multiple Markers with InfoWindow. The bit of Aug 8, 2010 · It looks like you're creating a new InfoWindow for each marker. This makes it impossible for the user to move the mouse from the marker to the the info window if they want to scroll through any content on the info window. So at the beginning of the code declare something like Jan 22, 2015 · The problem is it's "working" on the same marker. I like to close the active infowindow when another marker is clicked. geometry. Nov 13, 2021 · When you open the InfoWindow using the syntax infowindow. – May 30, 2016 · When I click different markers, then different info windows open. However, if I click on close button, the info window is closed, which is expec May 14, 2017 · It looks like you need to run some logic when the marker is clicked. How I open my infowindow: google. Jun 18, 2011 · I've done something similar to keep just one infoWindow open. How do I create an event that will close the infowindow when another marker is clicked on using Dec 5, 2013 · In the question you said you need to close the markers, but I am assuming you mean close the infoWindow on the marker. resetStyle() on the GeoJSON Group. Instead, maybe try creating a function that is called when the marker is clicked. This is html code: Mar 5, 2018 · I have used a Snazzy map example and I would like the infowindow to close automatically when another icon is clicked? I have set up a few variables for markers because I would like each marker to Aug 27, 2013 · The problem is: I want to close infowindow of a marker if user click another marker. 4. location, map Jul 15, 2010 · 6) a) click on Marker2 - show InfoWindow2 (sticky) (InfoWindow1 on Marker1 closes) b) click on Marker2 again - close InfoWindow2 If there are more than 2 markers, only one InfoWindow can stay open on click event for a marker. Meaning, you can have 2+ InfoWindows open at a time if you hover over the map marker. open(map, marker);, it seems to use the map associated with the marker to hide/show the infowindow. – Jan 19, 2018 · For some reason when I click on a single Marker all the InfoWindow shows up. Same code from demo. I imagine I would want to write a function that says "If 'Marker A' is clicked, open up 'div A' and if 'Marker B' is clicked while 'Marker A' is open, then close 'Div A' and open up 'Div B'. the following code overwrites a transparent gif which is the click area with an image of your choice and at the right position - you'll need to play with right and top to get it right for your infoWindow Dec 20, 2016 · I am trying to figure out a way to close an open Google Map Marker InfoWindow from another visible fragment by clicking on a button. Try this out and let me know. Note the use of the closure on the marker event listener. I have this code that if the user clicks any part of the map all infowindows should close. The InfoWindows stay open unless you explicitly click the close icon. I've tried the following to no suc Mar 11, 2015 · I use Google Maps for AngularJS to put some markers with infoWindow. This is good. The close method is called on the click event to close the existing infowindow before opening the new infowindow on the marker. I decided to rather open the InfoWindows on MouseOver which is working. var activeInfoWindow; and in the click event listener, close the active info window (if there's one), then set this info window as active Jan 17, 2011 · new google. I initialize a var like this var currentInfoWindow = null; then on every marker click event I do something like this: var. How can I do that when a infowindow open if there is another open close it. openInfoWindowHtml("No Sep 11, 2012 · Explanation of title I have a google maps with several markers each has a info window. You switched accounts on another tab or window. var map; var InforObj Jul 23, 2010 · I have an instance of google. addDomListener( myDiv, "click", OpenInfoWindow ); //Or if you have other things that you want to accomplish when this occurs: var myDiv = document. Demo Link. If I don't find a solution, I could disable or hide the X, but I prefer not to do this. The contents of that InfoWindow are then swapped depending on Jun 17, 2011 · I cant for the life of me get only one infoWindow to display at a time in V3 of API. Changing that code to: Hello, I applied a fix for a project so that when an infowindow opens, the others close when clicking on a marker. Actions: User clicks in marker and listener is triggered - OK User clicks in a onclick function [myclick(i) Apr 15, 2016 · Here is an example of how you can create multiple markers in a loop that share a common infowindow. This works: Oct 18, 2013 · I have a google map and after a user search, several markers appear on the map. When an info window is closed, focus moves back to the element that was in focus prior to the info window being opened. Any suggestion? marker. To do: remove "X" in mouseover InfoWindow. Close infowindow when another marker is Dec 27, 2010 · Google Maps close previous Infowindow when another marker is clicked (1 answer) I want that when you click on a marker, a infowindow opens. event. Sep 27, 2012 · In order to close the previous infowindow when another one is clicked, you need to make sure the following code is in the function initialize() loop. addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infowindow. When you try to close the previosuly opened info window, you are closing the one that belongs to the clicked marker instead. So I can't figure out how to save the last marker clicked reset it and open just the new one. /dist/markers-on-map-1. I'm trying to add infoWindow's to multiple markers on a Google Map. js for that. I tryed with this, to the final of the script: Aug 20, 2013 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Or you can call . This is wrong! I don't immediately see why it is doing this. I have a problem with InfoWindow. Could you please tell me how to edit this code so that the infowindows close by themselves when I click on another marker? Right now when I click on a marker and the infowindow pops up it stays open when I click on a second marker. I initialize a var like this var currentInfoWindow = null; then on every marker click event I do something like this: var We create two infoWindows on each marker, and use a global activeInfoWindow variable to track currently opened infoWindow. Scope of click event fuction on marker is marker object. An InfoWindow can be closed by simply call marker. addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) { return function() { newMarkers[i]. OnMapClickListener() { @Override public void onMapClick(LatLng arg0) { //do nothing } }); Feb 15, 2021 · The easiest way is to call . close(map, marker); //the code is not working. You have one info window for each marker, and one local variable for each one. We use the Google Maps addlistener event handler to register click, mouseover and mouseout events. So when marker click opens the window, the propagation of the click event to map will close the window again immediately. Marker({ position: results[i]. infobox. var Demo = { map: null, infoWindow: null }; /** * Called when clicking anywhere on the map and closes the info window. google. showInfo is set to false and the corresponding InfoWindow is not rendering. I'm following the normal practice in which I'm initiating Google Maps via initMap() and to add infoWindow I'm using Nov 4, 2010 · I have a shared infoWindow for all my markers. Jul 25, 2017 · I have a problem when I clicked a Marker on the map, InfoWindow opened but when I hover Hover mouse over another Marker, InfoWindow was clicked it was closed. But when an InfoWindow is sticky opened via a click event on a marker, another non-sticky InfoWindow can show when Jun 17, 2013 · By default marker's infoWindow is closed when map is clicked. Which is triggered by onClick event. This is the code I used for the click event on the markers. This Aug 16, 2016 · I am taking an Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Google Map Address and creating a Google Map with multiple markers and a singular InfoWindow. I need one to close prior to the next opening. I tried to set up with only one global variable of infowindow, it did achieve my purpose, infowindow automatically close when I click another marker, but every marker got same content in infowindow. infowindow. Here is my code: it took a while, but I eventually figured it out, the code below will need to be amended for your own google map tag id. When one InfoWindow is opened then automatically close the other opened InfoWindows on the Google Map. I need to close info window on click of another marker. open(map1, marker); }); Sep 21, 2013 · From what I see, in v2 of GMaps API there was a property "buttons" of the InfoWindow object that one could define in a way that given InfoWindow has no close button: marker. open(map, marker); }); What I have to close all upon map click: Dec 23, 2013 · How can I write an if statement that checks if the infowindow is open, and if so closes it when it or another marker is clicked. HideInfoWinow() But this assumes you have access to the marker, which I do not have from within the Fragment. I have done that, and May 14, 2010 · I've seen the other posts, but they dont have the markers being looped through dynamically like mine. I. < Jan 31, 2013 · I read a lot of solutions and tried several but in my script I can not getting it done. addListener(marker, 'click', function () { Sep 15, 2009 · I think the most easiest way is to hold opened (active) infoWindow in a variable so you can access it's . I am using CodeIgniter framework. 117. This pollutes the memory. It works good if I use jquery's $(). Mar 17, 2017 · Note that this does not fire when another marker nearby is clicked and that marker is closed automatically such as when a scroll takes place to make sure the info window is in the visible bounds of the map. You signed out in another tab or window. panTo(); } })(marker, i)); Sep 16, 2015 · I've a page with markers with InfoWindows that I opened on Click. each(function(){}), but if I change it to JavaScrips's native for or while loop, it's not working as expected. This code will remove the infowindow as soon as you move your mouse away from the marker and it will open the infowindow when you click on the marker. See this google demo for reference. Right now whenever the marker is clicked, marker. Aug 6, 2013 · You can try the functions listed below. Make sure the marker is defined outside of initialize(). So if i click on a marker the info window open but close the other? Oct 25, 2013 · My question. Solution: create a small delay before closing the info window. Feb 21, 2012 · I have already have an array of markers, I want to close an opened infowindow when I click another marker. I have my current google maps code working to the point where if I click on the on the sidebar link, a marker event is fired then the infowindow is opened. The closest I have come is to get an infoWindow to display the last address you can see in the array, on all markers. Sep 27, 2012 · In order to close the previous infowindow when another one is clicked, you need to make sure the following code is in the function initialize() loop. e. We may consider that as bug from usage perspective. After constructing an InfoWindow, you must call open to display it on the map. And on click of any new marker it remains open old window. But I find that having to move the mouse to the cross of the InfoWindow to close it is a bit demanding for these lazy visitors of the internet. Any idea how to include these other markers within the listener so that when you have one infoWindow open and another one is clicked, the first one closes? – Hey Guys, I'm working with the google maps API, I'm completely new to javascript and have no idea what I'm doing. But how ca Hover over marker to display new infoWindow (and close any previous open infoWindow) Move mouse off marker to close infoWindow; Click on marker to display infoWindow with more information; To close this infoWindow, hover over or click on another marker Sep 11, 2014 · Add all of them in array and before opening a one window loop through your array and call close method of each of you infowindow. Jun 1, 2010 · Or you can share/reuse the same infoWindow object. close(); but thats not working. Does anyone know how I can disable this behavior? I tried to override onMapClicked but it doesn't work mMap. Jan 29, 2025 · Unless auto-pan is disabled, an InfoWindow will pan the map to make itself visible when it is opened. I don't want that. The problem is when I clicked a marker, and then click another marker, InfoWindow Google Maps on previous marker When a marker is clicked, the map click event is fired afterwards. infowindow = new google. I want one infobox to close when you click another marker. the last one info window still opened Mar 7, 2013 · Google Maps close previous Infowindow when another marker is clicked (1 answer) Google Maps close previous Infowindow when another marker is clicked. Whenever I click a marker, it will open the last populated marker's infoWindow, instead of the clicked marker's infoWindow. getElementById Apr 8, 2016 · Is there any way to close all info windows so i only have the one i clicked on open?. Source Link. I have a global-defined var infowindow = new google. getElementById( "marker25837500" ); google. But if I click on a marker, open an InfoWindow, and then click on a check box to remove the markers of that type, the InfoWindow is not removed from the map. Part of the code: for (var i Dec 19, 2016 · You signed in with another tab or window. Quoting from the Google Maps API Docs:. What do I need to do to highlight the bl This one is for the developers fan, exactly for Google Map API developers, a simple but necessary option must be available on your Google Map UI, if your Map got multiple markers with infowindow for every marker, so your Map must automaically close the current infowindow when user click on another maker, on this fast post I'm going to learn you an easy method to do it. Feb 21, 2018 · Move Mouse From Marker to Info Window. For now the infowindow is showing on mouse over, but infowindow is being close when hover Jan 29, 2025 · By default, an info window remains open until the user clicks the close control (a cross at top right of the info window), or presses the ESC key. Jan 26, 2021 · I want that infowindow to close, when I click somewhere else in the map or something else marker. When I try to close the infowindow, the popup disappears as well. I know that with the v3 API, I can close a infowindow with the InfoWindow. I want it to appear when I click on the marker. A small fragment of my code is like this For every marker In the above code, when I hover on marker, it opens a infowindow. Thanks for your help. I need help. Aug 14, 2015 · I need the info window to appear on mouseover over the marker. com The idea is to declare a new global variable "currentinfo" and listen to every marker, when an infowindow is open and user click on any one close the previous one which is stored on the declared variable "currentinfo", then affect the current infowindow to the "currentinfo", so the code is like bellow: Apr 17, 2015 · In this article I will explain with example, how to open (show) only one InfoWindow at a time i. It can open infoWindow when a marker is clicked. 0. On my site, I'm using Google Maps API v3 to place house markers on the map. js Delete var momInfoWindow; line 419 Add var momInfoWindow = null; line 99 See you soon on the Jun 26, 2014 · Yet another {"error": "Please use POST request"} from jsFiddle is thwarting my attempt to delete a google-maps-api-3 marker after getting confirmation from the user. resetStyle(layer) then it resets only the passed layer. com, but it should work fine with a local url. I want to keep it open while I am holding my mouse on info window. Expected behavior is InfoWindow open when I click on targeted Mark. I used infobubble. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Does anyone know how to close the previous infowindow when another one is clicked?. Otherwise, it will be undefined if you attempt to assign the click listener outside of initialize(). Every marker when clicked pops an infobox. This clears the style of all markers. Now I have to make InfoWindow not closed Nov 4, 2017 · I am asking a question that many people ask, but no one gave a clear answer, almost on AGM (Angular 2 package for Google map) Here is my code, but my first opened marker does not want to close, a In this example, when I click on a marker, an info window shows up with a unique message, based on which marker I clicked. Jan 15, 2014 · My problem is related to a Google Map - marker infowindow that I use within the popup window. Every bubble has a close button that works perfectly. May 1, 2012 · I have a Google Maps div and list of check boxes that I use to filter markers on the map. You also need to use a closure around your marker click listener. When I run this code, the info window is not appearing. InfoWindow({ noSupress: true, Mar 11, 2016 · jpvanmuijen; August 1, 2017 at 6:10 pm; I was struggling with this as well, but it turns out you need to declare a global array at the top to push the infowindows into. InfoWindow; You only need one instance of the Infowindow object and set its content depending on which Marker you click by using the setContent() method. open(map, marker); }) Dec 30, 2013 · You don't have to do anything unusual or simulate a click on the marker; just make sure the OpenInfoWindow function can be reached: //This is the simple case: var myDiv = document. This is what I have so far, to get a concept of what I'm doing. May 3, 2015 · For some reason, I had to modify marker object and access that data inside event lisener function. Jul 18, 2019 · Can anyone help me code inside my eventListener so that an infowindow will do the following: open if it's currently closed, and close if it's currently open. But I have no idea why it's not working. I don't know how to, though. I want to close the info window when the mouse is anywhere except the info window itself. setOnMapClickListener(new GoogleMap. InfoWindow; Sep 15, 2009 · I think the most easiest way is to hold opened (active) infoWindow in a variable so you can access it's . The thing i want to do is when I click the map, the open infobubble to be closed. I initialize a var like this var currentInfoWindow = null; then on every marker click event I do something like this: var Sep 27, 2012 · In order to close the previous infowindow when another one is clicked, you need to make sure the following code is in the function initialize() loop. Thus if I click on marker A it opens if I click on Marker B it opens. My jsFiddle code is here. How can I close all the info windows and open only the one corresponding to the marker I click? 2 Mar 19, 2015 · This is nice, but if you have multiple markers, you can click on several of these without closing the original marker. Unfortunately, when I click on a marker, the info window on the last marker added opens, regardless of which marker I clicked. My code is below! Nov 2, 2014 · its working fine but i have one problem which is that when i open a info window its opened but when i open other info window. Feb 10, 2017 · Im trying to close like this marker. All currently works great, besides the fact that the user can open up to 20 infoWindows. Jul 25, 2016 · I am trying to amend the below code so that all other infoWindows are closed when one is clicked, so only one is open at once. google. , only one infowindow is open at the same time and all other infowindows are closed. The user can click the close button on the InfoWindow to remove it from the map, or the developer can call close() for the same effect. But while I am holding my mouse on infowindow, it still closes it . I have an ajax function that retrieves data via JSON, but I can not get close InfoWindow automatically when you open another. So I added a Close event on Click of the Marker which is also Jan 17, 2013 · When another marker is clicked, that previous div closes and the new div opens up. InfoWindow({}); when im trying to An info window allows you to display information to the user when they tap on a marker. InfoWindow, and it has a custom closing button. Oct 10, 2018 · To modify your code to use a single infowindow, moving it to the clicked marker and updating its content to reflect the data for that marker, change your infoCallback to take the content as the first argument: Feb 27, 2018 · Right now as default functionality, it open the info-window defined inside marker. Can someone explain why all the InfoWindow in all the Marker shows up? So when I close it InfoWindow closes too. setContent(content); infowindow. You can Uncomment code to show Info on Hover as well. I want to close infowindow when I mouseout of marker. Only one info window is displayed at a time. Feb 24, 2011 · Have a bug when click onto a marker then click close button on the it's infowindow, then click onto that marker again. You can also close the info window explicitly by The idea is to declare a new global variable "currentinfo" and listen to every marker, when an infowindow is open and user click on any one close the previous one which is stored on the declared variable "currentinfo", then affect the current infowindow to the "currentinfo", so the code is like bellow: Apr 17, 2015 · In this article I will explain with example, how to open (show) only one InfoWindow at a time i. Dec 28, 2020 · Could you please tell me how to edit this code so that the infowindows close by themselves when I click on another marker? Right now when I click on a marker and the infowindow pops up it stays open when I click on a second marker. I expected one InfoWindow show up when I click on one single Marker. Right now i have the below code: Sep 28, 2013 · You can also keep your active (opened) info window in a higher scope or global variable. NET MVC project, and I'm trying to add markers with info windows on every marker. You c May 1, 2020 · For some reason, Google is rendering an empty div in Google Maps infoWindow card. Also looking to have the infoWindow close onclick anywhere on th Jun 19, 2023 · I want to show infowindow on marker hover and close on mouse leave, but only if mouse is not on infowindow. close() method in click event of each marker. After I remove the markers, I call this code but the InfoWindow stays: Nov 15, 2015 · Here is the map I am working on. maps. open(map, this); map. May 20, 2015 · I want to make infowindow-making process in the different function, cause it`s gonna contains much info. You can also close the info window explicitly by calling its close() method. I'm trying to have only one infowindow open at a time, and the open infowindow will close when the map or another marker is clicked. But where to add the code?I have tried a lot but failed. length ; i++ ){ marker[i] = new google. You could call it something similar to "handleMarkerTap" I'm trying to run the google maps api in an ASP. var i; var marker = []; var infowindow = []; for(i=0; i<results. If you only want one info window to display at a time (as is the behavior on Google Maps), you need only create one info window, which you can reassign to different locations or markers upon map events (such as user clicks). Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. May 9, 2022 · I have the following code to open an infowindow when a specific marker is click and it open a window. My code is this: var mapOptions = { Mar 29, 2017 · I have problem with my Google Maps API v3 script. CODE google. infoWindow = new google. If I click on marker A again it closes and opens back. pud obqymz atbsvhz apq jjrjq iffri hfjcugi asiw ypwyjj jyhlfp srmd obxhrrv icoc iuvyss gtzxeb