Destiny 1 player population reddit. 5K votes, 146 comments.

Destiny 1 player population reddit Graph 1. From my point of view as a year 1 destiny 1 player I dont see it as being dead there is tons on ppl who love this game by heart and still has it in there owned games like me i visit it every now and then to run a raid or have a bit of fun. the lack of priority for pvp content and player enjoyment of pvp is fascinating considering their background in halo. For example, only 7. Crucible matchmaking is slow, especially for anything other than clash or control. This brings me on to player population retention. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 7 comments 108 votes, 168 comments. Both are useful metrics typically. Everybody has lives going on (and christ can they really go on!). 5K votes, 146 comments. 5 ~ 2mils conservatively speaking. Unfortunately, ever since the destiny content vault ate all the year 1 content in 2020, the new player experience has been poor. There are 2+1 against 2+1 rarely but, literally, NEVER solos against solos. As I stated before, Destiny Tracker was extremely popular in Destiny 1 for LFG and their database. 5 million accounts, that would put the percentage of players to ever complete a raid at 18. Let's dive in and uncover the world of Destiny 1. I consider myself an average player, I’m top 44% in control and have a KD of around 1. So we need to have new players coming in at a somewhat constant rate, and currently there's nothing for them. Hopefully the link works for you to google drive. r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going ons of Destiny 2. report/, which allows you to look up any player, and will also show you which platform that player is on, and what raids they have done recently and who they have done them with. Was a day 1 player, 3400hrs, and thought it would be nice to play D1 again after so long. Even Steamcharts only measures current and peak player counts, but that still doesn’t tell you the whole story. The game is difficult to get into at first due to complexity and a lack of tutorial, but there is a vast collection of content for you to enjoy as a new player that you absolutely can get into it now if you’d like. Destiny 1 population? Logged in yesterday for no reason and saw quite a few new players in the tower. Hi there, Quick question : I play in Europe, and have been trying to complete my weekly quests on the PvP section (crucible) but can’t seem to find… Young players are being taken advantage of and MTX practices are directly impacting the enjoyment of other features for non-spenders. reReddit: Top posts From Destiny 2 Team on Twitter: Last night, we solved several critical issues causing poor stability and heavily reduced the amount of "Kick to Orbit" errors as you can see in this graph. If I go off of Destiny 2 Stat tracker's numbers, they track 26. Waiting on updates to finish DLing first before I start but wondering how active the game really is currently. Show me a military with > 1 million enlisted on active duty and I’ll show you a nation that’s a global economic superpower and a population in the hundreds of millions at least. 4K. I myself am jumping back on destiny 2 to grind some into the light stuff I skipped the last couple months before the expansion drops. Reddit . Nov 21, 2024 · As the years passed, a sense of nostalgia began to build around Destiny 1. There’s different time zones and people are constantly logging on or off at different times. We can see that Shadowkeep had the highest overall weekly player count for every week but week 1. while it is inaccurate to say destiny's player population is X because on Y date only X unique users logged in, it is completely accurate to say that based on the trend depicted in that graph, the population in destiny 2 is dropping at a very fast rate, especially considering how recently it was released. 1 shows the average weekly peak player count for the first season/the main expansion from years 3-6 (Shadowkeep - Lightfall). i’m not saying this is a pvp focused game, but pvp is a large part of it and it receives very little of the love it deserves. The campaign modes in the game are super fun. There are a ton of laptops, out there which can't run Destiny 2 1080p 60fps, but they can stream it just file. 14 million giving the site access makes sense. Jan 20, 2018 · I was bored, so I scraped Destinytracker's archive for player population history from August 2016. Information via Forbes:. Its interesting to note, this does not seem to impact the % of players that go flawless (20-30%). The bungie api itself allows access to all destiny 2 players, as well as their platform and activity. Sep 30, 2023 · Destiny 1 saw over 30 million monthly players at its peak, so while the population is diminished, hundreds of thousands still play – especially on PS4 where most users are. Hardly a dead population. not to mention Then did you assume that everybody talking about dwindling interest in Destiny is claiming that this is the first time ever that Destiny is losing players? Nobody in their right mind is claiming that. While its not greater than PVE, which I don't expect it to ever be greater than, it is a near 50/50 split. We all Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Business, Economics, and Finance. Dec 20, 2024 · Image: Reddit via The Game Post Destiny 2 Player Numbers Are Dropping Fast. Last season was the lowest player population since it’s Destiny 1 Population Hi there, I just got Destiny The Collection recently. LFG Population Breakdown by Country the single players in Argentina, Indonesia, Oman, and This data shows Steam players only. Better yet appeal to the Console crowd. In Destiny 1 we had access to information about which classes had the highest k/d through DestinyTracker Population. I think allowing people to play Destiny: New Light on "Free Stadia" might be enough to get the Destiny population to a decent enough size that it would make paying for Stadia Pro worthwhile. If not, let me know. I wrote some python scripts, grabbed a bunch of snapshots from the wayback machine, filtered out the frontpages that had PvE and Crucible data both, and added the numbers together, and put together a graph that Actually it seems to track the combined population of D1 and D2, as per this chart: http://destinytracker. 1. 000) And mmo-population says 250. The fact is that the delta does matter and a consistent 10-20k difference is substantial for the population values Destiny has. com the total population for PVE was 822. This nostalgia was fueled by the game’s memorable moments, iconic characters, and the sense of discovery that came with exploring the game’s vast world. Bungie needs to either release a new game at some point or start a whole new IP from scratch again because Destiny’s story is honestly no where near as entertaining as Halo’s. No one would sit down and watch this story like some can watch Halo stories. Posted by u/ReesyPoofs - 156 votes and 13 comments Well you caught us at the very end of the last seasonal event, in the dead 2 weeks before the next big content drop. Especially since none of the story from destiny 1, more the first few years of destiny 2 are in the game. I'm a returning player and was watching videos on YouTube about the state of the game in 2024, the guy in the video say the game is dying because it lost like 80% of the population on steam, but if I search in google it says destiny 2 is one of the most played online game, so is it true its losing its players or it just something normal between expansions and seasons ? This is stating the obvious considering the sentiment recently, but player population is at an all-time low, even worse than during Season of the Plunder. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. And player numbers didn't fall off a cliff after launch when the hype had to cede to a disappointing reality, today's peak of 139k player 30+ days after launch beats WQ after about 20 days: Where as if you look at Destiny 1 , yes the game lacked Cutscenes , however it had way too much depth that was buried inside Glimore system. Those are the Vanguard's last 2 major engagements before 'our' story begins and the Old Russia cohort is formed of player characters, and both feature large numbers of Guardian deaths. So I pick the game up again with beyond light after an absence and one distinct thing I notice on Europa is fewer dregs and vandals in the zones but much more shanks everywhere. In terms of player population, I’ve noticed more people play on PS4 on the D1 Discords that I use, like The Last Destiny City’s Discord Also, if we’re going by which console was/is more popular, it would probably be PS4 and that alone might give the edge to having more players in D1. But that's a ratio for a very reduced player population. Infinite is at 5th. All posts and discussion… Advertisement Posted by u/AllSodiumDiet - No votes and 9 comments Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. I thought about Destiny 1 but the data is harder to find and Destiny 2 "feels" more like some of these other games in terms of marketing and initial player base numbers. like coming to get weekly gear such as crota or kings but still i dont think its dead :) Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. 17 votes, 38 comments. There kinda busy fucking over destiny 2 players atm. " I think this is mostly due to a large influx of players trying out the new system placed for Trials, the larger player population for Trials, and due to it being the first Trials weekend for the season, (I think it's the first, I haven't been on for the past 2 weeks). Posted by u/german13 - No votes and 3 comments I think their point is that current active players isn’t a sum of all Destiny 2 players. It shows 13. If daily number range from 1. Bungie shut down that ability a year ago due to declines in player pop. r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going ons of Destiny… In general, the overall Trials population has been at a steady decrease since Witch Queen's Launch. Another example is eve online. Depending on your social skills, it could either be not a problem or a problem finding a team. A game called „ashes of creation“ which isn’t even released and probably won’t be in the next 3-4 years is shown with 2,3 mil activ players. As an example, if a match is 3v4, the team with 4 will always have 1 player as a spectator. That's what half the player population is doing anyway, lol. Raid report as of 01/15/2024, 5,009,804 players have ever completed a raid. And you can see ps4 population (totals) but not current / monthly. Hence you get top 10% players thinking they are worse than they are because they get stomped by top 3% players near every match (because trials is a shitshow). But man is it hard to convince friends to play. Destiny 1 Xur information: Above information is for Destiny 1 Xur, for XB1 and PS4 XB360 and PS3 Xur likely wont be in this location and items are different Each week Xur is in one of 7 possible random locations Xur is available for 48 hours starting Friday 1am PST (9am GMT) Nope. Any absolute values quoted here are not representative of the overall player population. 9k players engaged with a PVP activity. Normally it's…. I haven’t touched destiny in probably no exaggeration one month. According to data from Cbro, Destiny 2’s total hourly active player count during peak hours hovers around 60,000 across all platforms, while it drops to roughly 35,000 to 40,000 during off-peak hours. The average % of population of Trials Players that go flawless is 26%. So every main character is a stranger to new players. In fact, those players will actively lie and say SBMM is bad, hurts the community, and was a mistake. I switched to Epic just to get the 30th Anniversary Pack for free, after switching to Game Pass to get Beyond Light free (and then have it taken away ): ). The winning team will have bragging rights, as well as a commemorative statue on display in the Tower for the entire year. I do not know why, but this site… Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. There are people that will literally wait 40 minutes to find someone experienced rather than teach a new player because thats how unforgiving raids can be in destiny. Destiny 2 currently hold an average daily player count of about 800k. It’s “wanted” but ALL their big name players won’t play(and that’s a loss of revenue and outreach) when they get put into their skill brackets and can’t make pubstomp content. Another issue i have with the story is the length. So, I played Osiris almost full day since it started. Theres a handful of discords with active users, and a pretty active PSN community with lots of raiders. One thing I want to mention after seeing a ton of people reference the player numbers going down is that there are two massive expansions/DLCs coming out next month for two major games. Destiny 1 felt like a much better game overall. 6 player "ever" and 1. If we assume these percentages were accurate during Tennocon (they most certainly were not) that would put the total players online at 263,213. So if you see a console player, 1 or 2 of their teammates can also be assumed to be controller. Sometimes it happens 3-4-5 games in a row against the same stack with the same solo mates on your View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. 6. 824K subscribers in the destiny2 community. Destiny 2 does not respect player investment in Destiny 1, so why should we keep playing this one? Not only did investment in D1 not transfer to D2 but investment D1 didn't respect player time/effort in D1 alone. There are a few ways to see parts of the community. Destiny tracker has a total but I'm not even sure how accurate it is. Since collection was on sale for a while a few weeks ago, I'm sure more people are playing. Join the community and come discuss games like Codenames, Wingspan, Brass, and all your other favorite games! Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. . Not sure what LFG looks like for trying to set up a Raid party, though. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. 5 kd in all playlists, and I am at adept 1, it’s hard to gauge player skill these days but I think if you are consistent throughout all playlists it gives you a better picture. People say that Xbox’s population is lower than PS4, but it’s very easy and quick to find people to do any activity with because of the Xbox’s built-in LFG system. Destiny 1 holds up as a solid single-player FPS game The title, basically. I saw a conversation where someone said that having that number for a free to play game across all platforms constitutes a dead game and that Destiny 1 averaged 2 million a day. The #1 Reddit source for news, information, and discussion about modern board games and board game culture. Yesterday on 06/01/2023 (according to Destiny tracker) 703k players engaged with the PVE side of Destiny. Expansion Player Count and Retention. Additional Notes: *Destiny Tab has all data *Destiny 2017 and Destiny 2018 tabs only have data for that year. The 1. Posted by u/Brootalcore1 - 3,427 votes and 534 comments Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. An online free-to-play FPS title in which players take control of Mobile Suits and challenge other players online in six-versus-six objective based battles. The Dawning event ended yesterday and according to destinytracker. Sadly, there really isn't much data, but it's still a small percent. 1M Players with pve data as of yesterday. Matchmaking for heroic strikes is usually pretty quick. 653. Being that Destiny just hit 1 million daily users and 6 million monthly, and this isn't even the height of the game's popularity, those numbers make sense to me. This is a bit of reach but I played destiny 1 and the house of devils was numerous and there were always more dregs on the field than shanks. 0KD consistent players in my clan are all bottom platinum or gold The few . PvP isn't some niche with a low population. Based on that knowledge, you can almost assume they know that person on PC because the PC player USED to be console, which means they’re likely controller as well. Average players in March is only beaten by the SK launch that came with tons of F2P content. Steam Charts is not the definitive answer for population statistics (since it's merely a moment-in-time snapshot), what other games do doesn't matter as long as Destiny is fine, and the overall population of the game is just fine and remarkably stable without the crazy swings it used to have (roughly 1m players/day across all three platforms Posted by u/illguy2016 - No votes and 15 comments In-game, the bulk of those Guardians died before the start of Destiny 1, fighting Crota at the Great Disaster or lost to the Fallen at Twilight Gap. SBMM is a pipe dream. This season started off weaker, and has hit the lowest single week for average peak concurrent players in history two weeks in a row now, and I expect the trend to continue for the last two Which created an elitist mindset in destiny where players wont teach new players because it takes too long. Its because the average player doesn't go into trials eso players who can top 10% in quickplay find out that the trials population is nearly only top 10% players. true. Here are the player populations for Destiny 2 on its platforms on November 26, 2019, about a week after Stadia launched:-PC: 494,000 -PS4: 454,000 Yeah, it’s a really unfortunate count. Results may not be what you think. ON TOP of Apex Legends and Anthem just coming out. On top of this the story as a whole in Destiny 2 is lackluster. 18 votes, 22 comments. Quoting for emphasis - great point. Posted by u/CozyWozy - 4 votes and 6 comments These are percentages compared to launch week. As a console player you can only queue into a PC lobby with someone on PC. You can see this is the case because of tools like https://raid. Meaning it, MINIMUM, has 276k+1 players there. Posted by u/CatFactsMod - 1 vote and 3 comments Considering where we are, Destiny 2 player base is still rather a very healthy one. The game publisher shows the active player count on their website (27. Posted by u/Sephiroth0327 - 3 votes and 5 comments Bro, I’m a veteran destiny ONE player that started playing destiny vanilla and I’ve played all the way up until pre-ordering the final shape, I’ve been playing war frame like 80 hours a week and I don’t regret it. What this post is saying is that, currently, Destiny 2 logged 276k players on xbox and is at 10th for most played xbox games. Naturally players will leave the game, either by lack of time due to other obligations or changing tastes in games. Players who had moved on to Destiny 2 and other games began to reminisce about their time in the original game. Also warframe costs SIGNIFICANTLY less than destiny. Destiny 1 had a very bad 1st year but had a great 2nd an 3rd year while destiny 2 was trash from the beginning to the end. It isn't impossible to get into, but you'll have to seek external sources for a good grasp on the story. I guess it's been years since I set foot in the game. Anyhow, it’ll be a while before you’re ready to raid or run a nightfall, where having a team is pretty much necessary. That’s just a guess though. Per bungie "Guardian Games is an event for all Destiny 2 players to celebrate their favorite class as they compete against one another to see whose class reigns supreme. 3M subscribers in the DestinyTheGame community. You can easily matchmake into playlists like Heroic Strikes or normal Crucible. Basically, almost every time there are 3 solo players against full stack with x2 group elo difference (or even more). Even though there’s still a decent player-base still active in D1, if one starts a new character, it plays like a story-driven FPS like the early Halo (bungo) games. This is me, I hover around a 1. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. I wish there was more focus on that. I also wanted to explore how many matches (on average) each person is playing. Yes, Destiny 2 is more appealing towards the casual crowed and less to the hardcore players. Destiny 2 has a higher population than Destiny 1 did for the same period last year Destiny 2 had an unprecedented spike on the launch of D2, several times higher than what D1 had at ROI Destiny 2's population is higher than D1's during the Age Of Triumph. Steam player population might be lower than ever, but that doesn't mean anymore that PC player population is bottomed out because there are other sources. Crypto 1. 5 (half baked) version. I figure there are people smarter than me with these things so draw your own conclusions. I'm wondering what is there I could have fun doing in the game right now? In this article, we will explore the Destiny 1 player count, including the game's current player base, factors influencing player engagement, and the overall community's perspective. The subreddit for Gundam Evolution. 5KD’s in my clan are in silver Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. com/destiny/reports/daily-population Its more than twice since alot of the charts count the same person multiple times if they switch characters, like if you start on one character and play a single game of gambit the game counts that as a person in pve and pvp so after your one match and switch and do the same thing on the other two the game effectively counted a single account 6 times for the game. 000 Guild wars has maybe 500-600 active players -probably less… Posted by u/nashoba-76 - 1 vote and 2 comments 816K subscribers in the destiny2 community. Posted by u/KCGPH03N1X - 2 votes and 14 comments In a match where the teams have different numbers of players, the team with the most players cannot have more players spawned in at a time than are on the team with less players. When one player on that team dies, they swap places with the spectator. 00 and basically scammed all those people and offered absolutely nothing in return. That is all the post is about. This is not a Destiny is dead post, just data on player counts since release. It is estimated that Destiny 2 has over 44 million player accounts, from launch to current. Graph1. 7 percent of Destiny 2 players on PS4 beat Leviathan, a number that is actually inflated because it included prestige Nightfall people and can still be earned by doing a master Nightfall, with Last Wish being in the 3 percent range. Posted by u/c_Thumper_c - 5 votes and 7 comments Posted by u/IamKaDeN - No votes and 3 comments This season has felt particularly brutal in PvP. After getting pretty much stomped every single game, I decided to start checking the stats of the opponents and the top fragger on my team, and lo and behold, I’m consistently playing with players who are in the top 1% bracket with 50+ flawless cards. Using that we get Playstation: 11,474 Xbox: 6,760 Switch: 1,996 Total: 64,729 Gather from those numbers what you will. That said, something everyone posting the steam charts data are forgetting is that Destiny 2 has cross-save and just recently got the next gen upgrade to where consoles are finally running at 60 fps which would contribute to lower steam numbers but not lower player numbers. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and… Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Destiny 2 and Elden Ring. The weekly playlists are usually well populated. the fact that bungie time and time again fails to deliver good pvp experiences after promising a renewed focus years ago is astounding. Neither of which could possibly be the Last Safe City. The average concurrent players on Steam last year was 44,634. Most people have left Destiny as a whole at the moment, but if those still here my guess would be something like 20-30% D1, 70-80% D2, maybe 40/60 depending on the day. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 9 comments Population of Destiny players on Xbox 360 has always been lower than other consoles Any expansions after The Taken King are not available on 360 With lower player populations, multi-player options may not be as good, with longer wait times for co-op PvE, and longer wait times for multiplayer PvP. Not many level 40s though. I see some of ya are saying destiny 2 is free to play and yes it is but lets not forget that the 1st 3 months of the game they charged 60. That being said, ratios, trends, and percentage changes will generally be the same across all platforms, and so can those calculated here will be generally representative of the entire player base. Posted by u/colombo38 - 2 votes and 5 comments Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. 9% of all Destiny 2 Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. You can look at destiny tracker to see that. 1 mil to 950K, then concurrent number size would be around 1. All that content stripped off Destiny 2 which the hardcore players were honestly expecting to get waters down the whole quality of this sequel and in fact it appears to be a Destiny 1. Of course the player count is going to be low. xdlgr fiak axquru lzibhhw ntyypa nqdk abco ksijv cfgq ncput uflrz hsnqe xtyj zlw lnxiigz