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Get scroll position of element react. Access DOM elements in React.

Get scroll position of element react scrollTop; will be the position. // calculate max scroll top position (go back to top once reached) var maxScrollPosition = element. left = elem. scrollTop = this. if the previous position is greater than the current scrollY position, it means that the user is scrolling up. clientHeight; // example element. findDOMNode(icon); domNode. how to find the position of the element for such elements in React Nov 2, 2022 · I have a react element to which I assign a ref, and when clicking I would like to get the position of the element (just the y). It uses a single scroll listener to add vertical or horizontal scroll offsets to elements based on their position in the viewport. e - the message box scroll position initially starts at the top and forces its way to the bottom on render. BUT You need to get that property for the element you're scrolling (NOT window. Creating a custom hook to listen to the current window position is useful when you want to, for example, add some animation to a component when the user reached a certain point of the page. I have tried: const element = ReactDOM. I have a list of some div elements. In your example you are showing how to get a child scroll event in the main, which is the opposite. It is specified, but still a working draft. log(leftMax); console. Access DOM elements in React. scrollTop is a property of an element representing the distance in pixels between the top of the element's content and its topmost visible content. Sep 10, 2022 · Because we require a referent to a DOM element to scroll it into view, we may run into problems when the DOM element is created in response to state changes in React. left; offset. scrollTop value is always: 0. Fragment> ); } } I’d like to get the offsetTop position of the most parent div element from the About component. If the element with absolute position is larger than the size of main, the sticky navigator will not work as expected (it won't stick). You got the scroll position of your page from the above code snippet. Nov 23, 2022 · I am trying to get the scroll position of a div in React. Jan 7, 2020 · hoping to find some good solutions as I am struggling to figure this one out, and haven't found any libraries. Lines #21-22: We check the scroll direction. this. scrollY }; } Using this we can get the X position: getOffset(element). Update This might seem like a basic question but for some reason things like document. But is there a way I could get number of the index when ever I swipe? I am using the scroll view like the code below. Below is code sandbox playground link to the same. element. 1. querySelector ('. scrollHeight } this triggers AFTER the component gets mounted i. Jul 18, 2023 · Whenever Item entered the viewport, I want to add animation to that element. var element = document. Having the onScroll event fire at every single scroll event is way beyond my needs. Apr 10, 2022 · This gives you the scroll position upon each scroll value change. offset’ methods. Dec 13, 2023 · In this guide, we’ll see various methods to get Scroll Position in React. it seems that my initial approche is not very efficient, because it will overload the bridge. js, you can get the position of an element using the getBoundingClientRect() method. scrollIntoView() to scroll the view. \ -- so better use a **fixed element reference** for the Parent_Div, inside of using something like Child_Element_ToGetOffsetRelToParentDiv. scrollY; var leftPos = element. The Menu is a list of Butt Apr 13, 2015 · Some notes to add: \ 1. function getWindowRelativeOffset(parentWindow, elem) { var offset = { left : 0, top : 0 }; // relative to the target field's document offset. The answer and its description Mar 3, 2021 · I want to get the x, y position when the text cursor is focused on TextInput. How can I get an elements scroll position in React? Attach a scroll event listener; Get the desired sticky top position of the element via getComputedStyle() Get the current viewport offset of the element using getBoundingClientRect() Add the class if both values match using classList. It attaches an event handler for the scroll event which tracks the element's scrollTop property. Fragment> <Hero /> <main> <About /> <Contact /> </main> <Footer /> </React. documentElement. current?. Dec 1, 2018 · Once you have the element, you can inspect its scrollLeft and scrollTop properties. Here is a working example where I get the scroll position from an element: Jul 28, 2016 · I wanted the scroll position to be at the bottom like a normal chat room. When an element content does not generate a vertical scrollbar, then its scrollTop value defaults to 0. scrollHeight - window. Apr 24, 2017 · (My navbar was 72px in fixed position, thus the -72 to get a better scroll-event trigger) Lastly, here are a number of scroll commands to console. It allows you to easily access the current scroll coordinates (x and y) through the “state” object returned by the hook. js is a flex-box, Nav. It is highly optimized and using the special technics to avoid unnecessary rerenders! It uses the default react hooks rendering lifecycle, which allows you to fully control its behavior and prevent The `getBoundingClientRect` method can be used to position elements relative to each other, to scroll elements into view, and to detect when elements are hovered over or clicked. Adding pagingEnabled will make the scrollview work like a swiper but I don't know how to get the index. state. This is React application, and in the parent component, I have a method which is passed down in child component: I am trying to implement an infinite scroll in my chat widget. log(), which helped me figure out my math actively. An example of this problem is a list, where we want to scroll to the last element in the list after a new one is added, but the list is rendered based on an array in the state. Nov 24, 2017 · For an example in a functional component using useRef in React Native: const BoardSquare = props => { const squareRef = useRef(null); console. My first thought would be to have useLayoutEffect that only runs once (empty dependency array). Feb 28, 2011 · var element = document. I have tried to get the scroll position using the browswer window but this does not work as its inside a div that I am working with. Jul 9, 2019 · Tracking viewport/element scroll position could be vastly useful and for the most part, the only way to enrich your web project with cool dynamic features, like: Dynamic navigation bars that hide/show during scroll. getBoundingClientRect(); return { left: rect. createRef(); it's needed to get element after rendering and it not work on React Component. I went with this rather than the accepted answer's solution which will not find the scroll parent if there's no content overflow yet. I was thinking about something equivalent to element. Apr 29, 2023 · Here is an example of How to get the X and Y position of an element in React JSGet Source Code:https://timetoprogram. Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to get or set the scroll position of an element using the Element. Feb 24, 2017 · Note, documentElement isn't always the scrolling element (some browsers use body instead). I expect to store in my state the current ID of the div that I scroll to. scrollTop). offsetTop, window. of the react component. Using refs. log('squareRef How to Get Scroll Position in React? React Get Element Scroll Position: In React. js with server-side rendering, so useLayoutEffect isn't an option. clientY prints 86. Then when your element is mounted, you can restore the scroll position of the scrollable element. I tried triggering scroll EventListener but it is taking the main window's scroll position though I want the scroll position of my sidebar div to be considered. addEventListener("scroll", function() { const maxHeight = document. Jan 14, 2009 · This function returns an element's position relative to the whole document (page): function getOffset(el) { const rect = el. document. js. I want to scroll to a certain Y location within this element, when I change a useState value using a different component. g. findDOMNode() function. Nov 30, 2021 · React Scroll Parallax. createRef() Then pass it to ref attribute <ScrollView ref={this. so when you navigate details pages, put state and scroll position like this. The sum of the two will give the element position relative to the document: element. I have two buttons left and right and in between there is a scroll-able div with data populated inside it. scrollHeight - is the pixels of the whole div. scrollViewRefName}> Oct 7, 2019 · Thanks. getBoundingClientRect(). These properties are related to an element's position but serve different purposes. js Even I tried with useRef() and UseState() also but not working I need Jun 7, 2022 · recently i had the same problem. offsetTop. Adding a Ref to a DOM Element. I want to get the scroll position of that div and set it to a state (which then controls my menu and its animations via css). clientTop May 7, 2015 · If you use function components and don't want to use a forwardRef to measure your component's absolute layout, you can get a reference to it from the LayoutChangeEvent in the onLayout callback. scrollTop Apr 20, 2020 · Those properties are read/write, so you can also set the scroll position: How can I get an element scroll position in react? I have a component that has a main tag in it with overflow: auto. window. top Mar 30, 2021 · In the "Basic Drag&Drop" section, if you get elements' Y position without scrolling the page, you get 626 for element. getBoundingClientRect() use-scroll-position is a React hook that returns the browser viewport X and Y scroll position. Jul 29, 2019 · It returns the previous position which then gets assigned. In this case, at position 0, the bottom position of the screen is X and when you scroll to the very bottom position in the document, the bottom position seen in the screen is Y and the top of the scroll position is Y - X. I am using pagingEnabled to swipe the images. position’ or ‘. Feb 2, 2016 · Learn how to get the height of an element in ReactJS with JavaScript. I've attempted Aug 12, 2010 · I'm hoping to find a way to get the current viewable window's position (relative to the total page width/height) so I can use it to force a scroll from one section to another. pos__container--line"); which returns null. How to scroll to an element with hooks/functions? 7. Jan 18, 2018 · element. When a new message arrives I want to check first if the user is at the bottom of the div, and only the Mar 11, 2016 · This is a pure JS port of the jQuery UI scrollParent method that cweston spoke of. Feb 14, 2021 · First you need to create reference to element. To handle the onScroll event in React: Set the onScroll prop on an element to listen for the scroll event. Jul 16, 2022 · As you can see it I am not able to scroll down the page when I click on the button, This all code running in one file in App. Jan 8, 2018 · Let's suppose you have a screen of X in height and a document of Y in height, Y >= X. 0. innerHeight; console. I have a ref setup for chat body's container like this: const containerNode = ReactDOM. offsetTop); }} /> But it doesn't take into account if the element is inside of a div that is scrolled. For the child component, we set its position to absolute. This way, you can get the absolute position of the element: Aug 1, 2024 · A paragraph element is defined within this division element with a height and width greater than that of the div element for the scroll bars to be visible. a line will be drawn. Also with each render, the useEffect method is being executed, as we do not pass an Array as second argument. Apr 26, 2022 · I want to get the ID of every div that I scroll to and keep the ID in my state. The solution Sep 11, 2024 · For example, if the element's flex-direction is column-reverse and content grows upwards, then scrollTop is 0 when the scrollbar is at its bottommost position (at the start of the scrolled content), and then increasingly negative as you scroll towards the end of the content. getBoundingClientRect() to retrieve element position relative to the viewport. It's optimized for performance and works for both client/server-side rendered apps. Why not 0? Is there an synthetic event property that will give me the point relative to the element's coordinate system and not the windows? Jul 27, 2019 · My goal is to apply different className depending on the user's scroll position. This link shows how to get the position using the native ui manager, however when ran it returns: "Attempted to measure layout but offset or dimensions were NaN" React Native: Getting the position of an element. It triggers whenever the scrolling position changes within the specified element. element. findDOMNode(this. What I need exactly is tracking a Component's position (Y) when scrolling, and only w Jul 25, 2015 · In the end I want to be able to eventually scroll to where the View is. pageYOffset. The useWindowScroll hook is useful for tracking and manipulating the scroll position of a web page within a React component. Aug 5, 2024 · React manages the rendering of components and updates the DOM automatically. scrollLeft. I want to disable the button at the right if there is no data in right and disable the button to the left if no more data at the left. Mar 4, 2017 · Accessing the position of an element can be done to some degree with CSS through jQuery’s ‘. scrollTop container. Set Scroll Position in React. Aug 24, 2022 · On web, you can get any element by its position: document. So if your content is in a div you need to get the scrollTop property from that element. You need to listen for scroll events and apply CSS classes based on the scroll position. how to get ref position? here is my code. Understanding Offsets: clientTop vs. Feel like I'm out of the options. scrollTop properties, which can be used to calculate the scroll position. getElementById('myElement'); var topPos = element. Nov 17, 2015 · First create a component class which has an oversize element for scroll effect. Nov 28, 2019 · I am trying to get current position of the scrollbar inside of div element, but the problem is cus when I get element: div. In the effect you could access the table element with a ref, and then set the scrollTop and scrollLeft values of the element. The component render method looks like this: function() { let style Dec 18, 2015 · I want to know the scroll position of a div. scrollY, window. Jan 15, 2024 · Get the Page Coordinate. scrollLeft and Element. const Code = => { const emailInput = useRef(); const scrollViewRef = useRef(); const [email, setEmail] = useState<string>(''); const scrollToEmail = => { // I want to scroll the y position of the scroll to the center where the TextInput's cursor is focused. Below there's a hook which you can use to get the scrollbar position of any HTML element. To start, you need some way to reference that element in React. parent { position: relative; } . handleScrollPosition(e){ sessionStorage. scrollX, top: rect. Also tried using document. scrollTop, document. will get you the scroll position, you can then work out from there what the percentage is based on the window height. Jan 29, 2020 · How can I get an elements scroll position in React? The basic gist is this: function App() { return ( <div> <main style={{ backgroundColor: "red", overflow: "auto", height: "500px", padding: "5px" }} > Please Track Me! Feb 28, 2024 · In React, you can set and get the scroll position of an element using the scrollTop property for vertical scrolling and the scrollLeft property for horizontal scrolling. My code Oct 11, 2017 · Is it possible to tell a ScrollView to scroll to a specific position when we just navigated to the current screen via StackNavigator? I have two screens; Menu and Items. scrollX; That allows me to get the real relative position of element on document, even if it has been scrolled. setItem(&quot;scrollPos I have an component on my page that scrolls, but the rest doesn't. . If it manually works, it should work too. Moving to a particular scroll position. Dec 31, 2018 · class App extends Component { state = {} render() { return( <React. Depending on the scroll height, I need to render a different element. Now if you scroll down, so that the element almost touches the top of the window, you get 70 for the same exact same elmenent Nov 24, 2017 · If you want smooth scroll steps, you should jump one item back or forward. Mar 9, 2021 · but the problem is when you are adding a component into another component based on the list returned, creating the element with the id is not possible so, we don't have that Element id, even when we hardcode the id then the same id will be there for all element created in that loop. Scrolling to DOM Element in React. Another approach to get the scroll position is by using refs. when some button is pressed) rather than tracking it whenever the user scrolls, then invoking an onScroll listener is going to cause performance issues. Sep 9, 2023 · In the above code snippet, we define a state variable scrollPosition to store the current scroll position. var b = element. handleScroll); Feb 17, 2017 · In React Native, how can I get the Y offset of a custom component and then scroll a ScrollView to its position? 1 How to determine elements scroll position in React Jan 4, 2024 · To account for scrolling, you may need to add the current scroll position using window. In this article, we will discuss how to use the `getBoundingClientRect` method to get the position of an element in React. Jan 10, 2020 · I am using react-native scrollview to slide my imageBackground. container) I also already setup an event listener that handle's the scroll: containerNode. I have an onMouseMove handler, but when I move my mouse towards the top of the element event. Apr 19, 2015 · I have built a component in React which is supposed to update its own style on window scroll to create a parallax effect. scrollTo({ top: ref. top + window. In the function under constructor I want to get its position. scrollX and window. Make sure your Parent_Div is not dynamically changing. scrollY position. React scroll parallax library provides components to create parallax scroll effects for any DOM elements. let icon = this['icon' + this. The ref attribute takes a callback function, and the callback will be executed immediately after the component is mounted or unmounted. getElementsByName('Note'); element. toggle() Here's how it looks like in code: Jun 22, 2022 · I have a div which is scrollable inside. It is useful when implementing infinite scrolling, parallax effects, lazy loading, or dynamic UI changes. refs. js is a sticky element and Main. Name myRef. child { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } In this CSS code, we set the parent component's position to relative. So lets say I had a styled component called Container and that outputted a form I usually just add a data attribute and do something like the below: const container = document. If this is equal to the visible area, you've reached the bottom! Oct 15, 2022 · I've made a react application where I have a component that has a scroll bar at the bottom of it. The solution is the new scrollingElement property, which returns a reference to the Element that scrolls the document. offsetTop Jun 1, 2012 · Add class when scroll down in React. There is an example for this Mar 3, 2023 · This article shows you how to get the position of an element in React regardless of whether the element is fixed or repositionable. If you wish to simply get the current position (e. Why not use the onScroll event? I have re-created your example and removed stuff from state. You can use debounce on the handleScroll function for better performance. and yet i am facing a problem with the reference of the virtualizedList wich i loose when i leave the screen. Now, let's say you need to scroll the page to a particular position upon button click. container') container. Get element by scroll position. Getting scroll position of element ID with window To get the scroll position of a scrollable element, instead of the document, we can pass ref to the target option. scrollTop, window. top = elem. By utilizing the useScrollPosition hook, we can easily access the scroll position data and build various functionalities such as debouncing scroll events, animating elements based on scroll position, and lazy loading content. 7. It's a horizontal scroll bar and I want to get how much the user has scrolled in terms of x position. Sep 9, 2020 · In other words, box-shadow property initially should not be there, but it should come up when the user scrolls down the page. parent \ 1. present. Jun 2, 2020 · I'm working on a chat app and am using the scroller from bottom to top to load older messages. scrollTop to calculate the viewport offset. QuerySelector(". 75. const An even simpler way to do it is with scrollHeight, scrollTop, and clientHeight. so i tried doing this: componentDidMount(){ this. Feb 14, 2020 · That happening because: From the React documentation:. log((window. I tried getting the window the scroll values the values are always 0. To get the offset i need to get a div first. This method returns an object with properties like top, right, bottom, left, width, and height, which represent the position and dimensions of the element relative to the viewport. With no scroll its value is 0. messages. For context, I'm using Next. left + window. That code works: <InnerElement ref={myRef} onClick={() => { console. Begin by creating a reference with the useRef hook. getElementById('el'); var leftMax = element. To avoid this, you can pass values with react-router-dom when moving between pages. scrollTopMaxi(); console. The handleScroll function is called whenever the onScroll event is triggered, and it updates the scrollPosition state with the current scroll position. For that i think i need to know the current scroll position. offsetTop, left: 0 , behavior: "smooth" , }); }; Aug 18, 2017 · I have a component that renders a canvas element. js has a position: absolute element inside of it. scrollY. This way one can reliable locate Mar 21, 2018 · You can use element. , you can add it to your project as a dependency: Demo. Jan 10, 2022 · React Component: Implement the sticky header functionality in your React component. scroll(x,y) this works with me inside a div with a scroll, this should work with you in case you pointed the mouse over this element and then tried to scroll down or up. use-scroll-position is a React hook that returns the browser viewport X and Y scroll position. Next, associate this reference with the desired element using the ref attribute. – Aug 11, 2023 · Sometimes, when you switch from a news list to a news details page and then return, you lose the state and scroll position. However, there are situations where you may need to access a specific DOM element directly. React Js Get Element Position:In React. Aug 24, 2018 · However I've hit a wall to how I get the scroll top position of a styled component. You should be looking for the scrollbar position of the parent element instead. currentIcon. The 0, 0 position is always found in the top left corner, so any scrolling is relative to that. On some occasions, you might need to scroll a certain element into view. setState({ scrollPosition: window. body. @igorsvee's solution can accomplish what the OP was asking for. com----- Jul 29, 2024 · React onScroll helps to listen for scroll interactions within specific elements and trigger actions accordingly. pageYOffset, and the like are return Aug 24, 2020 · An element's scrollTop is a form of distance measurement regarding an element's top to its topmost visible content. container} onScroll={handleScroll}> handleScroll is this function, if scroll position is down then request to your db Nov 9, 2011 · After you can use to get element's scrollTop position: const element = document. log(myRef. top. Subtract the scrolled height from the total scrollable height. " Since the content of inner doesn't generate a scrollbar, scrollTop is 0. Apr 26, 2016 · With react, it is perfectly OK to use jQuery for: reading info from the real DOM, which are unknown to react (such as component height in the DOM, or scroll position in your case) ajax stuff; With React, you should NOT use jQuery for: Manipulating the DOM directly: only manipulate the DOM through react. React how to get the scroll amount on an element? There may be two scenario in which you you want id of image and do further processing, First scenario You want execute something on scroll of window. elementFromPoint(x, y) Is there something similar in React Native? Can it be done with a native bridge (Java/Objective C)? Jan 30, 2020 · Let's suppose that Page. Then use document. Nov 11, 2022 · Lines #17-18: If the heading intersects with the observer, we store the current window. Jun 21, 2020 · If you want something to work with right away in React itself or serverside rendering frameworks/libraries like Nextjs, Remixjs, Gatsbyjs, etc. js, to obtain the scroll position of an element, you can utilize the useRef hook and the scrollTop property. npm i @smakss/react-scroll-direction or yarn add @smakss/react-scroll-direction Read more here. scrollTop = maxScrollPosition; That should do what you need. scrollTop and Element. scrollViewRefName = React. top + document. pageYOffset * 100) / maxHeight); }); Dec 15, 2016 · You need to resolve the actual React Element (DOM element) before the getBoundingClientRect method will be available. I need this value to show a sticky navbar when the user scrolls to certain area of the Jul 24, 2012 · I did it like this in Internet Explorer. May 9, 2023 · The process comes to Scroll to an Element in React and in addition comes to the ref for storing the reference of the element to make use of. import { useRef } from 'react' ; import { useScrollPosition } from '@raddix/use-scroll-position' ; Apr 7, 2024 · Handle the onScroll event on a div element in React; Handle the onScroll event on the window object in React; Type the onScroll event of an element in React (TypeScript) # Handle the onScroll event on a div element in React. scrollLeft properties. Feb 25, 2024 · Subsequently, all other elements define the Element. React - How to get the scroll position of a div in JS. Oct 12, 2017 · Yes that's exactly what i am trying to do. clientHeight; Oct 12, 2022 · How to get the height of a react. When called scrollLeftMaxi(). var a = element. Those properties are read/write, so you can also set the Jul 21, 2017 · In addition to switching to manual scroll restoration, you need some sort of library that provides integration between the browser's history API, React's rendering, and the scroll position of the window and any scrollable block elements. Currently the most performant way to simply get current scroll position is using react-native-invoke package. Example: const container = document. There we just compare the current scroll position with the previous and scroll back to the previous in case it changed. Jul 19, 2016 · OP specifically said that they wanted to catch the scroll event for main not for child. Jun 21, 2023 · Two ways to set scroll position to a certain element in React. Get Scroll position inside Element HTML not work in Vanilla JS. scrollTop in HTML, which would just query the element for its current position. It's really easy to create a useScrollPosition hook using the useEffect and useState hooks from React. The div took up the whole page and has multiple sections. We will use the Refs to access a DOM element in React. I came up with a working solution that works in all cases except the one if the user loads a page and initial scroll position is not 0 (scrolled and then reloaded the page). scrollTop however I'm not sure how this behaves cross-browser, I would assume if there are inconsistencies then the jQuery method accounts for Jul 17, 2019 · In this case you can get the scroll offset with scrollTop as mentioned in the comments before. const handleScroll = (ref) = > { window. scrollLeftMaxi(); var topMax = element. I can get X and Y position of scroll with onScroll, now how do I get the positions of items to check if its in view port or if it went away from viewport this. querySelector('div'). Second, access the scroll position of Nov 13, 2020 · The window. Refs provide a way to access DOM nodes or React elements created in the rend Jan 14, 2020 · I'd like to scroll to a given horizontal position in an element immediately after it's rendered by React. Another div element is created with the “output” class to show the scroll position of the first division element. getElementbyTag("data-sticky-container") const position = container. When I look it up on internet, such as this question, I usually see results that show how to get the scroll amount on the window. When dragging the scroll bar, this component calls its handleScroll React property to notify its parent component, with the value of scrollTop. scrollTop - is the pixels hidden in top due to the scroll. Things work differently in React. We’ll explore the technique to get the job done and then walk through a complete example of applying that in practice. Well, I need to change the background color of the navbar if the user's scroll position is > 0. This establishes the parent as the positioning context for its child elements. helpref = React. . You might also come across properties like clientTop and offsetTop when positioning elements. You can do this through the ReactDOM. scrollTop Or you can go to element on view (scrollIntoView) I'm not sure what you want to do after get the scrollTop position. If you want to get the absolute position of the element on the page, not relative to the window, add the number of scrolled pixels to the element’s window location using scrollY: given you have a div element you need to scroll inside, try this piece of code. Right now i am trying to store the index of the element before leaving the screen and use scrollToIndex to scroll to back to the right position. findDOMNode(this); which returns findDOMNode was called on an unmounted component. top; // now we will calculate according to the current document, this current // document might be same as the document of target How to determine elements scroll position in React. A React hook that tracks window scroll position in real-time, perfect for scroll-based animations and progress indicators. left or the Y position: getOffset(element). scrollHeight - element. This, for example, can be used to get the scroll position of the Document element, or scrollable elements like a div or aside. addEventListener('scroll', this. To get or set the scroll position of an element, you follow these steps: First, select the element using the selecting methods such as querySelector(). In plain JavaScript, you might use getElementById() to access DOM elements. In order to control the scroll position in React, it is important to understand the useRef() hook. pageYOffset shows the scrollbar position of the document body. Hot Network Questions Nov 30, 2021 · So I finally understand why the code wasn't working. id]; const domNode = ReactDOM. log(topMax); The code above create the properties the Element prototype and assign the functions we defined. React supports a special attribute that you can attach to any component. However, there seems to be a tremendous amount of options when it comes to guessing which object holds the true X/Y for your browser. It is highly optimized and using the special technics to avoid unnecessary rerenders! Nov 14, 2019 · you have to use onScroll function on your div, span, whatever <TableContainer className={classes. The page I was wanting to scroll was wrapped within a div. There is also a standard DOM property scrollTop that you can use like document. From leveraging refs to target elements to scrolling based on specific coordinates, each method will explain to you the scroll behavior in JavaScript within your React applications. Ctrl+click on the card on the right again and the line Jan 28, 2022 · Now that each section component has a reference to access the DOM element, we can create a handleScroll function, where the page will scroll to any ref that is passed as an argument. So in order to get the position as a percentage I end up do the following. pageYOffset }); And once you click on back button at that time you have to set the window position in the method of componentDidMount. Sticky elements that remain at the same exact position on scroll change. Lines #23-27: Set the active item to the previous one if possible. Aug 28, 2020 · I'm trying to do something like this: When I click on a card on the left and then ctrl+click on a card on the right. It excels at creating references to DOM elements, facilitating direct manipulation and Nov 29, 2019 · You have to store the scroll position in state on click of post with the use of window. Using getBoundingClientRect(), the position of the div will change whenever you scroll on the page. Feb 12, 2024 · This article explores the different techniques to set a fixed scroll position in React, providing a more user-friendly interface. In this case just add a handler on scroll event. clientHeight - is the pixels that you see in your browser. nhj aespmpvo rkxdw umgrgvm igzrg pzua vyaao zagc hskkoo uzfls njia vfxzqput nydnnw lpea mauk