Pencil thin stool pictures. Mucus is a gel-like .

Pencil thin stool pictures Jun 1, 2020 · Pencil-thin poop isn’t always cause for concern but you should see your doctor if you are experiencing flat poop and have any of the following symptoms: blood in your stool or on the toilet paper Oct 8, 2024 · Stringy poop is stool that appears narrow, thin, or pencil-shaped. Also, when I have thin stools, it sometimes is relatively solid and not soft. Abnormally flattened or ribbon-like stool characterize flat poop. Over the past several years, primary care providers have been referring a large number of their patients to gastroenterologists for colonoscopy because of "low caliber stool" or "pencil thin stool. Fatigue. Today I have had 2 bowel movements. Love, Do you think pencil thin stools and flatulence is a sign of colon mets? I have had this for a while now. Daily exercise is helpful. Take adequate fibers, water to have a bulk of stool. 5 to 4 cm (1 to 1. Sep 9, 2024 · Pencil-thin stool. First: Take a deep breath—stringy poop is likely not as bad as you think. See a doctor right away if your stools are thin. Colon Cancer Coalition. Aug 17, 2024 · Persistent changes in bowel habits: Unexpected diarrhea, constipation, or a noticeable alteration in your stool’s shape—such as it appearing pencil-thin or ribbon-like—could suggest a blockage within the colon and shouldn’t be overlooked. Apr 16, 2020 · Hi! I was just wondering if anyone can tell if my stool is too thin or not. However, the thickness of stool is almost never considered unless the stool is very hard and large. If you have a C. This article explores these 4 possible causes of your narrow thin stools in more detail. Jan 11, 2024 · Narrow stools that happen now and then probably are harmless. If you notice changes in your stool, particularly if associated with dark stool or bleeding, visit your doctor to help determine the cause. Apr 11, 2022 · Stringy stool is also sometimes referred to as “pencil-thin” stool. Ribbon like stool. Nov 13, 2023 · Stools can vary in consistency from hard to watery. May 6, 2024 · Pebble stool: Stools may become lumpy and hard, resembling small pebbles. I have IBS-M and I recently just found out that Pencil Thin stools are a symptom of CC :( never knew that. It can be pretty, um, crappy dealing with bowel issues. The caliber of the lumen is also narrower on the left side, and with a circumferential tumor causing partial obstruction, patients report pencil-thin stools, often tinged with blood. , alarm features) include progressive weight loss, blood in the stool Mar 6, 2024 · Stringy, thin stools are something a little different, and a few different medical conditions can cause it. Mar 4, 2024 · Stool that is pencil-thin or ribbon-like (indicates potential colon cancer, polyp, or other lesion causing narrowing of your large intestine) What can I eat to ensure good colon health? You should eat a lot of fiber—including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes—which bulks up stool and keeps it moving along, and also produces substances Nov 18, 2022 · Pencil-thin stool can also indicate other underlying conditions, such as colorectal cancer, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), etc. Pencil thin stools are a persistent symptom of colon cancer and are accompanied by weight loss and rectal bleeding. May 23, 2018 · Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine report that thin soft stool can sometimes accompany constipation. If your stool measures less than one inch in width, it might be considered narrow. Normal stool is about 1 to 2 inches in diameter. This includes watery stools, soft "pencil stools," hard pellet stools, mucus in stools, and bright red, maroon, or tarry stools. They may be hard and small, pencil-thin, or loose and watery. Rectal cancer treatment (PDQ)—patient version. Both colon cancer and IBS can cause stools to come out like ribbons. Sep 2, 2018 · The presence of pencil-like stools, also sometimes referred to as ribbon-like, thin, flat or narrow stools, may be indicative of a problem if they occur with a certain frequency. Less commonly, thin poop can point to something serious such as colorectal cancer. The narrow stool is pencil-thin, ribbon poop, or narrow-shaped stringy poop. My dr told me back in January 2021 I have IBS and I recently found out pencil thin stools were a symptom of CC so I’ve been driving myself crazy looking up a bunch of pictures of pencil thin stools and flat stools. Feb 17, 2008 · While it is common to believe a tumor would cause a consistent change to pencil thin stools (and the tumor would not grow and shrink from BM to BM) it apparently is just a medical myth. Before my symptoms started and my poop was normal, my stool often was somewhat soft but had good volume (large sausage). Diarrhea lasting a couple of days or less is Sep 3, 2019 · Experts explain what types of stools aren't normal and how to tell if something unusual could be a sign of a more serious problem. You may strain, feel an urgent need to have a bowel movement, or feel that you haven't completely passed a stool. Obstruction like growth can cause very narrow stool. May 13, 2017 · When stool reaches the sigmoid, it is often hard and devoid of excess fluid. You may have bloating or a feeling of gas in the intestines. What typically happens for a specific person may be a range of possibilities, depending upon what has been eaten and hydration status, but as long as thin stool is within the range of stools that happens in that person, it is normal. Also I seem to be experiencing a cycle in which I will poop an unexpectedly small amount for a couple of days, and this is then followed by an absolutely massive but regular shaped stool. Blood in the Stool. Mucus in stool. Īmerican Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. But you should talk with your primary care professional if you’re also experiencing things like change in appetite, weight loss, or blood in your stool. Unexplained “A smaller stool is typically caused by anal or low rectal cancer. Having a medical issue? Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals… Jun 26, 2023 · Colon cancer does not typically affect stool shape — no specific stool shape indicates the disease. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 2017. This change in consistency can indicate a problem in the digestive tract. Chronic or recurrent hard stools or constipation. As you have depression and anxiety, IBS can be possible. Figuring out what’s normal and what isn’t can be a challenge if you don’t know what to look for. 2. I don’t get pencil thin stools but I have flat stool most times. Sep 21, 2024 · However, if you have pencil-thin stools, that can be a sign of a physical blockage in the lower GI tract indicating a growth, scarring, or another worrisome condition. Īlso read: Essential oils for constipation: Benefits, usage, and warnings Cancer You can get If colon cancer is causing your stools to be pencil thin, this doesn’t mean that the stools cannot return to normal. Referral to a specialist Feb 14, 2024 · Cancers are named after the location of the body where they first develop. Jul 24, 2023 · While the chart helps depict different stool shapes, Dr. In some cases, these symptoms may be related to more serious underlying conditions that require medical attention. Hello! I hope you’ve been doing better! I’ve been having the same issue since March right after getting bad acid reflux. Floating stools, stools that are fluffy or ragged, and stools that are an unusual color, contain mucus, or are pencil-thin can be a sign that there is something wrong in your digestive system. Nov 29, 2024 · Use Ubie's free 3-min quiz for Narrow or thinning stool online at home to find what causes your symptoms and possible treatment. I only weight 90 pounds and have a small bowel to work with. Pencil-thin stool is unusually long and thin, which can indicate there is a narrowing of the colon due to a cancerous tumor. Tumors that change the shape of the colon or rectum can create this type of stool. Not all are “pencil thin. Some people experience this when their IBD flares, so if bloody stools are common for you, then this factor may not help you determine if you should be tested for C. Symptoms include: blood in the stool; darker stool, Dec 1, 2020 · Some treatment options include over-the-counter creams and suppositories, stool softeners, warm sitz baths, and hemorrhoidectomies. Stringy poop is narrow and, in some cases A noncancerous polyp could block part of the colon and cause narrow stools, sure, in which case (like other polyps) it would be removed and biopsied, but again- that's rarer than other common causes. Best way I can describe the shape is like an airhead candy except it’s a little thicker lol. 21. Maroon bloody stools. I’ve also been constipated since March no idea why. What they found is a very small, 3mm, polyp in my colon. Answer Section. Narrow (pencil-thin) stools. And that could be due to colon cancer. Dec 16, 2024 · What’s most concerning is when thin stools are a new change that’s persistent, said Dr. On the other end, stool that is very thin My stool has been alternating from thick normal stool to pencil thin depending if my stomach is irritated I think, also alternating between diarrhoea and dry stools. Jan 20, 2023 · Change in the shape of stool (such as thin, pencil-like stools) Change in the frequency or consistency of stool Blood in the stool. They gave me an X-ray and saw the tumor. It may look lumpy. Colon cancer symptoms. Colorectal cancer signs and symptoms. Doctor. " Most textbooks of internal medicine and gastroenterology consider "small caliber stool" as one of the … Jan 11, 2024 · Narrow stools may be a sign that the colon is narrowing or has a blockage. Sep 17, 2019 · I used to poop every morning after my coffees and that was it for the day. This Pencil thin is not consistent however recently I have been getting random constipation, and some diarrhea/loose stools with loss of appetite and loss of weight. Its estimated diameter is somewhere between one to two inches. All things poop Diverticular disease and diverticulitis. Skinny bowel movements; Also known as pencil-thin stools, they are usually a reason for concern. I'm so worried. Sorry for TMI, but I’ve been having some GI related health anxiety due to some symptoms I’ve been experiencing. That’s because it’s common not to have any symptoms. This change alone is a risk factor for colon cancer and warrants a visit to your doctor. I am struggling with ibs from 8 years and now i am 24, my life is destroyed because i was not able to go to a big University like my younger bro because at that time i was in hospital having colonoscopy. Feb 9, 2024 · Raquel first noticed symptoms like pencil thin stools, pain, bloating, blood in her stool and getting full quickly after eating. Thanks for the help Im 21yrs old and I notice that my stool are pencil thin stools I notice it way back this february 2021 and it becomes normal way back june 2021 then… The reason you could be producing pencil thin poop is because of a change in your diet, which could result in inconsistent bowel movements. Anemia. But in some cases, narrow stools — especially if pencil thin — may be a sign that the colon is narrowing or has a blockage. My stools have changed back and forth over the past couple weeks paired with some dull pains with have lessened. e. Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation are common causes of narrow stool. I am certainly on the softer stool side, but I don't have full blown IBS D. Colorectal cancers are malignancies in the colon and rectum. Pencil thin stools may be a sign of a bowel obstruction, according to Mayo Clinic. No I think it's the way my body works. Rorabeck notes that pencil-thin poop (a popular topic on Instagram) is left out. Our AI Symptom Checker is a 2023 Google Play AI award winner and backed by specialists and trusted by 1700+ providers. Never had any blood in my stool. The Bristol Stool Chart can be a helpful resource in gauging whether the shape and texture of your poop is considered normal. “For IBS, stools can be flat, but providers are unaware as to what causes the stool to present this way,” says Dr. May 5, 2022 · Flat ribbon stools are a type of abnormal bowel movement, meaning a bowel movement whose appearance is atypical. Unintentional weight loss is another sign. Often times, flat, ribbon-like stools are another way of describing thin and narrow, stringy or pencil-like bowel movements – also atypical in appearance. This change in shape is a red flag that warrants medical attention. So if you’ve been noticing pencil thin stools and fearing colon cancer, do NOT feel reassured if this appearance at some point returns to what is normal for your bowel movements. diff infection, you may also see blood in your stools. ” The more widespread signs are blood in the stool and abdominal pain. Unexplained diarrhea. Other signs of colorectal cancer are: Fatigue; Stool that is very thin might be a sign of colorectal cancer Jun 18, 2024 · Narrow, pencil-thin stools caused by material having to squeeze past an obstruction; Hard pebbles or nuggets that occur because of cancer-related constipation cause waste to remain in the colon longer and have more water removed from it; Dark brown or black color throughout caused by blood in the stool May 3, 2023 · Thin or narrow stools are characterized by a significantly smaller diameter than regular bowel movements, often resembling “pencil-thin” shapes. Bristol Stool Form Scale Reliability and Agreement Decreases When Determining Rome III Stool Form Designations. Passing ribbon-like stool is also common if children suffer from constipation. If this is a one-time occurrence, it's a good idea to keep an eye on future bowel movements and see if it continues to happen. ” There are cases in which ribbon or thin stools are caused by a polyp (precancer) causing an obstruction. In some cases, stringy stool can be a result of your diet or how your muscles contract in the large intestine when working to concentrate May 31, 2024 · Constipation could lead to narrowed or pencil-thin stools. Check out my profile pictures of the ones I have posted on here you will see. Nov 25, 2024 · 3. Having narrow or pencil-thin BMs on occasion isn’t something to worry about. Stool that is squeezed through the narrowed opening is thin. Anal cancer affects the anus, which is the lowest part of Sep 17, 2019 · I used to poop every morning after my coffees and that was it for the day. No matter what you call it, a narrow stool is less than one inch wide. Jeffrey Dueker, Pencil-thin poop is one of the less common signs of colorectal cancer. Jun 29, 2021 · As the health body points out, narrow stools that occur infrequently probably are harmless. “The reason that a stool changes from wide and then thin can be Understanding Pencil-Thin Stools: Causes and Implications • Discover the causes and implications of thin or pencil-like stools in this informative video. Aug 10, 2023 · It might look as thin as a pencil. Types of Tubular Stools. Anal Cancer Anal cancer, cancer located at the end of the large intestine, has symptoms that include anal or rectal bleeding, anal pain or pressure, anal discharge or itching, a change in bowel movements, and/or a So many people are scared of seeing the so-called pencil-thin stools—even if the day before, their bowel movements were thick or fat. Discolored stool: Blood in the stool may result in a reddish, dark brown, or black color. If you are experiencing pencil thin poop, which are almost ribbon-like in shape, then you should go see a doctor. Common causes of narrow stools include: Constipation You can avoid constipation by increasing your fiber intake and physical activity. More often than not, most people with colon cancer don’t know they have the disease. Mar 2, 2018 · If you used to have sizeable stools but now they are always pencil thin and hard to pass, consult your doctor. In the same survey, an astonishing 6% of people never looked at their poop. These check if you're bleeding from your bowel, which can be a sign of bowel cancer. 1 Symptoms or signs that suggest serious disease (i. Sep 14, 2023 · When you’re constipated, your stool may be hard, dry, and difficult to pass. Loose stool. DrDLove. Pebble stool: Nugget- or pebble-shaped stool forms due to constipation that dries out feces. Jan 24, 2024 · While there's no strict medical definition for a narrow stool, a typical stool is usually 1-2 inches wide. Dec 10, 2023 · Narrow "pencil" stools: Caused by the narrowing of the intestinal passage as the tumor starts to grow; Pain with defecation: Also known as dyschezia, a symptom commonly associated with rectal cancer; A sensation of being unable to empty the bowel: Also known as tenesmus, commonly seen with early-stage rectal cancer Dec 9, 2024 · Diverticulitis can affect bowel movements, causing alternating diarrhea and constipation, and lead to changes in the color, consistency, and smell of stools. Pencil stools require prompt evaluation. Pencil-thin stools - Thin, narrow stools measuring less than half an inch wide often arise from anal strictures or blockages from conditions like cancer or inflammation. As long as you have stress/anxiety you can experience many side effects from stomach cramping, bloating, hunger pangs etc . Skinny poops can be caused by a lot of things—some are harmless and temporary conditions, and others may be serious. Pencil-thin stool: Narrow, pencil-thin stool could indicate a blockage in the colon, often associated with colorectal cancer. In less common cases, colon cancers can lead to penicil-thin stools. “Benign strictures and scarring from previous surgery, inflammation, radiation, anal cancer, large anal warts, hemorrhoids and scar tissue from anorectal surgery can lead to misshapen and Aug 1, 2020 · Stools that float, which also often happen to smell bad and be greasy, can be caused by malabsorption problems having to do with the absorption of fat from food, pancreas, liver or gallbladder problems or indicate inflammation. Yes that just looks like stress poop or anxiety poop from experience. I can pinpoint why most of my symptoms are happening, but the one that is most concerning to me is my consistent thin/ribbon stools. “Imagine that with a growing tumor in the colon, the lumen is narrower Dr. “When it Bowel movements may differ in size or consistency. diff. I don't know if it's stress causing it but I wasn't worried in the minutes building up to the poop. Just wanted to let co-sufferers know that the antihistamine ebastine has recently been proven to have a significant positive impact on people with IBS, and I only learned this after I started taking it for allergies and suddenly had a more stable digestion than I've ever had. boy sitting on stool with paper and pencil at home - pencil stool stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Boy sitting on stool with paper and pencil at home An artist using her colored pencils to sketch the colorful spring flower fields off of Highway 58, central CA From the pictures, it does not seem to be very narrow stool. Stringy or pencil-thin stool will look different from a well-formed stool, but it’s not necessarily a sign of an underlying condition. For example, black bowel movement, watery stool or passing stool more then 3 times a day would be considered abnormal for most people. There is no actual data to say tumors ever do that when in the colon just people thinking the guy in the 1800's that proposed the idea sounded good and it seems logical so it gets repeated over and over. The way stools pass changes. May 10, 2022 · The most common stool changes with stage one colon cancer are: Chronic or recurrent loose stools or diarrhea. Do not make assumptions. “However, it could most definitely be caused by your diet, diarrhea that could be caused by stress and other variables than a cancer. Learn more here. Changes in the appearance of your poop can be normal. If your stool suddenly changes from “normal” to pencil-thin, you’ll want to have that checked out by a doctor, Dr. A 2003 study including 1611 people found that only 27% of people looked at their poop or used toilet paper with every bowel movement. A couple hours later and it was pencil thin for the first time. In certain types of colon cancer , the bowel gets narrow, and so do your bowel movements. Jan 10, 2023 · If a tumor grows in either area, it can change the shape of the bowel and cause stool to be flat or thin and pencil-like. Binderow, MD, FACS, FASCRS, with Atlanta Colon 19K subscribers in the poop community. Depending on whether such stools occur frequently or infrequently (occasionally), a pathology may or may Read more about Flat, Ribbon-Like Stools So, if any person typically has stools that are thin, then it is normal for that person. I went to the emergency room one evening at 3am and told the admitting nurse there was something terribly wrong with my stomach. Excessive straining leads to thin stools when the anal muscle narrows the opening of the anus as you bear down. ” I would say most are “marker” thin with some smaller ones. Other Symptoms of Colon Cancer (No particular order) Abdominal pain. Dec 18, 2023 · Some healthcare professionals refer to “pencil thin” stools, meaning your poop is about the width of a pencil—about a quarter-inch. Consistently thin stools, however, could signal a medical problem, including polyps or cancer. Raquel first noticed symptoms like pencil thin stools, pain, bloating, blood in her stool and getting full quickly after eating. “Cancer of the rectum typically continues to progressively narrow the caliber of the stool to pencil diameter before it completely obstructs the passage. Feb 6, 2023 · Stringy poop may also be referred to as stools that are pencil-thin, ribbon-like, thin, or narrow. Some people get relief from gastritis symptoms with prescription and non-prescription antacids, histamine blockers like famotidine (Pepcid AC) or ranitidine (Zantac 75), or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like omeprazole (Prilosec) and esomeprazole (Nexium). Flat stool. Thomas advises. Not worrying will make your stool much bulkier & normal . Many times, it isn’t a cause for alarm, however, sometimes it could be a symptom of something serious. Apr 1, 2022 · As noted above, your bowel movements can help determine what type of IBS you might have. Dec 1, 2020 · Gastritis is diagnosed with endoscopy, blood tests, or stool tests. Out of the seven types of stools listed, you’ll see five of them are red – or abnormal – and signify diarrhea or constipation. Constipation is defined medically as fewer than three stools per week and severe constipation as less than one stool per week. A number of digestive conditions may be the cause, including irritable bowel syndrome or food poisoning. Also have a history of hemorrhoids and maybe some form of IBS(self diagnosed) For the past week or so, I've had persistently thin stools, usually a bit thicker than a pencil in diameter or I drop tiny thin stools (which is usually when I've gone multiple times that day anyway) I was taking a combination of laxatives as told by an insta-care doctor, I had an x-ray which showed a large ball of stool in my stomach. Now, let's delve into why narrow stools can be a cause for concern. It made sense that there might be a blockage so I googled and sure enough colon cancer was on the list. 9 I mean I don't get pencil thin stool anymore but my IBS is horrible. “It’s just not one of the more common symptoms of the disease. Diarrhea and blood in stool are UC symptoms, but constipation may If your thin or narrow stools have you fearing colon cancer, there are other causes of narrow thin stools besides cancer of the colon. Feb 1, 2014 · Stools that appear very thin, like strips, may indicate a narrowing of the intestine or rectum. Oct 14, 2015 · Changes in color, consistency and frequency of bowel movements are often considered as symptoms of various diseases. Had a cat scan the next day, yep that a tumor. I have been having same shape of stool just like yours for a long time, and I took colonoscopy two weeks before. You may also be asked to have a blood test. I am 34, I have always had IBS symptoms my entire life but since I started an SSRI 5 months ago it has been relentless Let’s take a closer look at how pencil shaped stools from irritable bowel syndrome might appear different from flattened narrow bowel movements caused by colon cancer. “Pencil-thin stool can be indicative of tension within Also called: narrow stools, thin stools, pencil-thin stools, ribbon-like stools . “The occasional narrow stool is not of major concern,” begins Santosh Sanagapalli, MD, a consultant gastroenterologist, endoscopist and colonoscopist. They can be harmless, occurring as a result of a low fiber diet or temporary infection. The study also revealed that people who never looked at their stool were less successful in reporting bloody stools. . Then for 2 or 3 months I was going 5 times in the morning and the stools were pencil thin. Vladic. how wide is a normal stool? are stools that are 1-2 cm wide normal, or are they considered pencil-thin stools?: : I do not know of any pencils that are 1-2 cm wide - well maybe a car From the pictures, it does not seem to be very narrow stool. In some cases, it’s both thin and flat stool. 593K subscribers in the AskDocs community. Feb 19, 2021 · Changes in the appearance, smell, or form of the stool can be seen with different conditions ranging from chronic inflammatory diseases of the bowel to infection and in rare cases, cancer. Sep 17, 2023 · Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a long-term inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect stool texture, composition, and frequency. ), says Whitney Jones, MD, a national expert and frequent speaker on early-age onset colon cancer prevention, and Founder, Colon Cancer Prevention Project. So many people are scared of seeing the so-called pencil-thin stools—even if the day before, their bowel movements were thick or fat. Usually, stools are well-formed, cylindrical, and measure around 2. One of the most common cancers in the developed nations is colorectal cancer. Oct 15, 2020 · Diarrhea can be associated with abnormal stools. I'm diagnosed with ibs and have been trying to change my diet by eating a lot of fiber and have been having anxiety with my stool being too thin since they were saying it could be a sign of colon cancer. Fruits and vegetables can also increase your fiber intake. Pencil Thin Stool Pictures: Understanding Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and changes in stool consistency can be a frustrating experience for many individuals. But when she finally went to Aug 28, 2018 · So when something's very clearly off—like if your poop is pencil-thin and kinda stringy-looking—it's alarming AF. Therefore, when the waste is excreted, the poop should be solid, not necessarily pencil thin Some of my poops have resembled types 1-3 of the Stool Bristol chart so I think that constipation is likely. Ribbon-like stools that are flatter and more lengthy may indicate obstructed rectum or intestines. Then suddenly, today I felt the diarrhoea/soft stool come on again and went toilet and pushed out this. In addition, your healthcare provider can help identify the problem and provide effective remedies. I usually go thin stool but sometimes I go thick stool. Interesting. Regular colon cancer screenings are the best way to monitor the condition. Aug 27, 2023 · The stool can become so narrow that it is sometimes described as pencil-thin. 1. Jul 22, 2024 · Pencil thin stool. Bowel habits can alternate between constipation and diarrhea. 5 inches) in diameter, indicating a healthy digestive system. Plus my dad and his brother both had it in their 80's. Lea Ive been having wide flat stools as well. Diarrhea It is a common condition that could be caused by an infection, diet, food allergies or intolerances, celiac disease , inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) , IBS, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , or some medications. Extremely flat ribbon poop and now pencil thin pool for over 3 months, also a lot of mucus, also abdominal bloating on the mid/lower left side. “When it exists, it is highly concerning,” Cecchini said. 29,174 Satisfied Customers. & especially COVID can affect the digestive system in many ways . Changes in the consistency and color of your stool don't always indicate a health problem. So I've been having more frequent soft stools and then after that I had normal formed stools like in the first pic. Oct 25, 2024 · Narrow stools can be caused by constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and hemorrhoids. Some people may be used to thinner stools, but super thin, pencil-like stools are something to keep an eye on and report to your doctor. It's also worth noting that narrow means pencil-thin and long, not *slightly* thinner. Narrow stools can also look stringy or ribbon-like. I won’t poop for like 2 days (just mucus and small bits of poop come out) and then on like day 3 I have a huge poop of extremely flat ribbon poop. My stool varies from pencil thin to loose stool this week it’s been liking a bit better but I just think it’s crazy how it happened literally over night. National Cancer Institute. Unintentional weight loss Abdominal pain. Back, Left abdominal and pelvic area. Fatigue Feelings of doom That’s it. But when she finally went to Feb 19, 2020 · Stringy poop is referred to as a narrow, pencil-thin or ribbon-shaped stool. Bottom line: If you notice your stools are in the shape of flat ribbons, see a doctor. Your stool appears to be a good color and consistency (actually almost perfectly formed, according to the Bristol Stool Chart), without any signs of bleeding. 5. “Ribbon” or “pencil” shaped stools are almost always on symptom lists for colon cancer, which can affect adults of any age, though it’s far more common in men and women over 45. I was 68. It can happen for no apparent reason, or it might be the result of dietary changes, infections, or underlying health conditions May 2, 2024 · American Cancer Society. Bowel cancer symptoms: Pencil-thin poo is a warning sign (Image: Getty Images) You may be asked for a poo sample (stool sample) for testing, or be given a home test kit called a faecal immunochemical test (FIT), to collect a small sample of poo and send it to a lab. We’ve all heard that thin flat bowel movements are something to be concerned about. Apr 2, 2024 · Pencil-thin poop is one of the less common signs of colorectal cancer. Loose or watery stools (diarrhea). Color, odor or consistency may be in the normal range or not, depending on the underlying cause and other symptoms may or may not be present alongside the particular appearance. If you are experiencing "pooping anxiety" or any type of anxiety, this could cause your anus to be a bit tighter then usual, therefore causing different shaped bowel movements. Chronic constipation can cause a blockage in your colon which means that any thin stool you can pass will be pencil-thin. Intact male dogs with an enlarged prostate may also develop pencil-thin stools, because the enlarged prostate pushes against the bowel. “The reason that a stool changes from wide and then thin can be caused by what a person drank, ate or what environment they have moved to,” says Sander R. Some even describe it as "pencil thin," about the width of a quarter-inch. Black stools. Hope it can help others! Mar 6, 2022 · Constipation is broadly defined as unsatisfactory defecation characterized by infrequent stools, difficult stool passage or both. The first one was a perfectly normal stool. It may be associated with other symptoms like abdominal cramps, stomach pain, nausea or bloody poop. Narrow stools that happen now and then probably are harmless. 1 It is extremely common and is mostly due to insufficient intake of dietary fibre. Some nausea but little to no pain at all. Mucus is a gel-like Mar 30, 2022 · Narrow stools occur due to changes in bowel movements. Mar 2, 2023 · Colon cancer can cause stool symptoms such as: Pencil or narrowed stool: Feces that is squeezed past a bowel obstruction may cause thin ribbons of stool. Also, many cases of early-stage colon cancer don’t notice any stool changes. A lot of times, this is just another way of describing thin and narrow bowel movements, such as stringy or pencil-like stools. However, narrow or pencil-thin stools may also indicate an underlying condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or colorectal cancer. A number of factors can determine bowel movement caliber (shape, texture, color, etc. The stools may also be foul-smelling. Sep 5, 2021 · Narrow or pencil-thin stools may be a symptom of constipation, colorectal cancer, anal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome or something else. ytyfwjf hrupf qauxa ndwdyp bapm hru crwjva wcza fpfzpuq afwfyi bbeglp sufs ddxaoy std csrd