Powershell script menu gui. Powershell - GUI and menustrips.
Powershell script menu gui It provides a file browser that makes for a much more user-friendly approach than merely prompting for a path. 52. - dan-osull/PowerShell-Script-Menu-Gui better powershell code 2 exe repo wis: multilang sport, darkmode-able GUI(+BGM), RClick menu ext, webserver 4 online comp. The best way to do this today is with Windows Presentation Framework (WPF). Jun 10, 2019 · Run GUI powershell script by right clicking on a file. You can even run terminals in shells like Azure Cloud Shell. May 14, 2024 · This is the shortcut menu that PowerShell displays by default. It can be tricky to find all the right commands and build the menu logic, so you will need all of the allotted time to accomplish this script. Basic components include forms, controls, and event handling. Automation. In the code below, the user is given the options, and the functions are executed, but when complete, the script just ends. When I first set out to use an OSD menu, I considered it, but I finally decided to do it all from scratch for the sake of learning PowerShell (I was new to it at the time a few years ago) and more about the SCCM task sequence as well. Jan 25, 2016 · A sample PowerShell menu (Image Credit: Jeff Hicks) To prompt the user to enter something, we can use Read-Host. This GUI can automate manual administrative tasks and standardize PowerShell scripts for different tasks. You Collection of little PowerShell-Scripts to show the usage of Miguel De Icaza's 'GUI. Notepad displays the same shortcut menu. 0. A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your Windows experience. 0 and later releases to create a multiple-selection list box control in a custom Windows Form. Army. There is no need to manually edit the config file. May 29, 2012 · There's a few other bits to the GUI that I've created but I've noticed one majour problem, and this goes for other GUI apps that I have created. Mar 18, 2014 · Ok. In this post, we’re going to dive into a step-by-step tutorial on you can get interactive with PowerShell and how to create a simple PowerShell menu. Here is the portion of the script where I am building out the menu: Jul 20, 2019 · Although PowerShell is a powerful automation scripting language, you can also build some cool console-based scripts with it. Since you went with powershell for this then the notifyicons actions are dependent on a runspace to interpret those actions. A Powershell Based GUI Script I wrote to Change a Comptuer/Workstations Local IP Address. A NotifyIcon is basically just a icon in the corner that can popup a balloon notification or Context Menu. How a GUI Can Help Jan 28, 2015 · I found a way to do this by compiling a PowerShell script to a Windows executable. Members Online Kr1zy Apr 22, 2016 · So I'm still fairly new to Powershell and I'm trying to write a script that allows the user to select a file or folder and then get back the security permissions for said folder/file. from tkinter import * from tkinter. Now, I want to know if its possible to get the menu options to come out of a text file: function GetMenu { Clear-Host Write-Ascii -fore g PowerShell includes a command-line shell, object-oriented scripting language, and a set of tools for executing scripts/cmdlets and managing modules. - dan-osull/PowerShell-Script-Menu-Gui Feb 12, 2019 · A Runspace takes powershell commands and turns them into real actions. Version 1 has been available for some days already. Host. I have built a powershell script using the GUI . Feel Free to fork this, I hope this helps somebody! The kind PS shows when you install/download a package or something. The Terminal User Interface (TUI) designer is used for designing UIs that run within standard terminals. The first step when creating a GUI-based PowerShell script is to load the required Make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts with a CSV file. Here’s how it works. Use a CSV file to make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts. This script works for both Windows 10 and Windows 11. This menu consists of two main components: a function that displays the menu, and a switch statement that takes the input and directs the code which way to go, depending on the selection. Sean Kearney joins us again today as our guest blogger. I design it with Visual studio and then transform it to PowerSell using Convert-Form a free tool written by Laurent Dardenne from the nice french PowerShell site PowerShelll-Scripting. Here's a screenshot of the finished menu: Just another word or two before summing up As I mentioned, you may need to produce more than a line or two of output. Aug 27, 2021 · However, if instead of using Visual Basic in PowerShell, you were to make your own GUI using WPF which also works in PowerShell, you can restrict the input. : Start-Process PowerShell -verb runas -ArgumentList '-noexit','-File','path-to-script' If you don't want the PowerShell window to hang around then get rid of the '-noexit' but for debugging the launch of your script, it is useful. Third party modules are required to build the executable but not to run it. Visual Studio Community is free, and is available for download here. WPF is an XML-based language that PowerShell can read using . deps/imgs/oggs). Dec 1, 2020 · 0. S. ps1 -firstparameter Donald -secondparameter Duck I would like to have a "kicker" or "launcher" wind Dec 9, 2022 · Use Windows PowerShell 3. You can also add Windows programs and files to the menu. Here is Sean! While […] May 1, 2024 · A GUI to launch any PowerShell script, function, or any other executables. # END of Script. Copy and then paste the following into Windows PowerShell ISE, and then save it as a PowerShell script (. Sep 5, 2018 · There comes a time when we must build PowerShell tools with a GUI for ourselves and others and embrace the mouse click. 1. How to do it in WPF. The, when user launch the main script (i. PowerShell GUI Script Template: A template for creating interactive PowerShell GUIs. Mar 28, 2016 · Let’s go over how to build a rudimentary interactive menu in the PowerShell console. OK, I'm know it's boring but a PS Module like PSScriptMenuGui could help. Learn how to create a user menu using PowerShell on a computer running Windows in 5 minutes or less. SYNOPSIS Use a CSV file to make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts. Everything is saved in a json config file. The menu bar that I've created inside the GUI freezes and no other button can be pressed. only problem is, it goes away, then my menu appears, but when i hit, say, 1, press enter, to run a script, the now full loading bar re-appears on top of the console window and wont go away until the ENTIRE script containing the menu and everything terminates. add_cascade(label Jul 24, 2011 · Summary: Learn how to create a simple graphical interface for a Windows PowerShell script. How do I allow for multiple selections in a numbered menu? 0. Related: Solving the PowerShell GUI Paradox (With Example Scripts) Figure 2. Yet, the quickest way to get a simple PowerShell GUI Menu, is to just use Out-GridView and or Show-Command and not write a single line of UX/UI/GUI (WinForm/WPF) code at all. - 0x000NULL/CSSR Dec 27, 2016 · Making a GUI in PowerShell is a relatively easy process. item(0). My end goal was to compile a one line PowerShell script that ejects a DVD on my system: (New-Object -com "WMPlayer. Let's create a simple script that displays the words "Hello World" inside a text box within a GUI. When you edit the script, in the top few lines of the script, you’d need to edit the lines given here in red, to match your environment: Hello - i just started working with a simple GUI i made from POSHGUI. looking for the code-signed download? Click here. May 21, 2020 · Create a Text Box to Accept User Input for PowerShell GUI. Related: How To Create Your Own PowerShell Cmdlets (Video Tutorial) Mar 7, 2019 · If I run the script in PowerShell ISE, or call the . This project provides a comprehensive and accessible template for developing interactive PowerShell GUI applications. One of the coolest uses Mar 5, 2008 · PowerGUI is a free tool that allows you to create PowerShell scripts with a graphical user interface (GUI). Jan 24, 2024 · How to create a PowerShell GUI. Eliminate the need to write hundreds of lines of code manually. Oct 28, 2020 · So I added this feature as well. Designed to facilitate the automation of various tasks within Windows environments through a Aug 12, 2016 · Personally, I have used this format in the past for a menu driven, TUI script: Powershell - GUI and menustrips. Feb 23, 2021 · This guide will show you how to create a powershell menu gui to quickly access common scripts. When the scriptmenu starts, it searches for scripts in the Script -folder and reads the comment based help-section at the begining of the file. He has more than 35 years […] Jul 28, 2015 · You can start a new, elevated PowerShell process to run your script e. Then your gui could show a datagrid view of all your scripts and you can use keyboard inputs like the enter key on the datagrid item to execute it. Especially if you must add new GUI elements. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. To create a custom UI, you must implement the System. 0 CliMenu PSGallery Easily build and edit CLI menus in Powershell 0. The script creates this group in a pre-defined OU, but if you want this to be variable as well, I reckon you’ll be able to change the script accordingly. And the cool part is that anywhere that PowerShell runs and a GUI is available, our code will work there too! I'm learning how to make a GUI using Visual Studio, coying the XAML and putting that in powershell script. A menu strip is simply a collection of menus displayed across the top of a window. All in only 1mb, superez4use, pure script (excl. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jun 11, 2018 · The open file/folder dialog box is a great way to receive input for your scripts interactively. Gui. This post is dedicated to Austin, who worked with me as an intern several years ago and helped me out with some PowerShell scripts. Uses Azure commands to populate list data. Jan 23, 2025 · …Okay, so maybe I added the “shell” part myself, but it’s true. We will explore three techniques to make menu items interactive in PowerShell GUI applications. So, for me, if you have the money to spend, PowerShell Studio is the only feasible and efficient way. Keep in mind that the three scripts that are run use a hard-coded path, so you will need to modify it to fit your particular environment. May 5, 2022 · I have the below GUI for my application. Easy to customise and fast to launch. - PowerShell-Script-Menu-Gui/README. Utilize PowerShell Studio’s templates and pre-wired controls to create advanced GUIs in no time. Well, outside of message box stuff. Aug 26, 2014 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. PowerShell is really, really powerful, and that can be too much responsibility for some people to want to go near. In this article I’d like to get more into the tool-making aspect of GUI development to help add real value to the applications you make. g. Shows how to populate all fields including picklists and combobox lists and work with properties. See examples of elements, layout and code for a printer installation project. Feb 17, 2021 · This blog is turning into a PowerShell blog and I'm ok with it. ttk import * from time import strftime # creating tkinter window root = Tk() root. Really helps a non PowerShell literate person be Jul 9, 2019 · In the last post, we covered creating a GUI in Visual Studio, converting that to a . A PowerShell graphical user interface (GUI) can help lower-XP PowerShell users interact more safely and confidently with PowerShell. Create list box controls that allow multiple selections. Create graphical tools using PowerShell with the easy to use GUI designer. ラベルは、System. In this post I show you how can use OpenFileDialog in your PowerShell scripts. Shows how to work with the results from the Powershell Script Collection For Help Desk Automations Greetings Friends! Today I am Officially releasing the Powershell Script Collection for use outside of my organization. If I understand you, ignore what I said above. Create PowerShell script modules in minutes with PowerShell Studio. If you haven’t… - Menu 1 - Menu 2 - Restart the tool - Exit. One last menu item runs a command to remove the menu items from the Windows PowerShell ISE. – Curso de PowerShell gratuito (enero 2025) Protegido: Curso online de PowerShell (enero 2025) Permisos especiales (setuid, setgid, sticky bit) Mostrar títulos de ventanas en procesos con PowerShell; Utilizar sesiones y cookies en las aplicaciones web; Control de acceso concurrente con ReentrantLock en Kotlin Dec 3, 2017 · Is there a way to navigate through the program and click the desired items in the menu bar to automate the task (it also has to navigate through a save file menu)? I know Powershell scripting, and I've been using it automate the other parts of the task, but the particular program I'm using doesn't have command-line parameters to navigate How to Build a PowerShell Menu GUI for your PowerShell Scripts Hey guys, Nathan Kasco just wrote a shiny new blog post you may enjoy. # At last, we can run our two functions: show-box. OCX. We can setup an object which has, in this case, a number along with an action that will be taken upon its selection. However, if I simply double-click on the . You can add a simple graphical user interface (GUI) to your PowerShell scripts to make them user-friendly and to allow to perform specific tasks that require user interaction. The first part of a script might look like this: Jan 25, 2016 · Demonstrate how create and work with GUI Forms using PowerShell. title('Menu Demonstration') # Creating Menubar menubar = Menu(root) # Adding File Menu and commands file = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) menubar. You can define shortcuts to invoke menu items by including a _ in front of the character. A basic menu can be added by using the MenuBar, MenuBarItem and MenuItem classes. Scripts 1 and Script 2. . An easy tool to help you Change a local IP addreass, make sure you add the necessary DNS entries within the script before you run it. However, it is hard to share these tools with less technical colleagues or even use them efficiently in a Powershell heavy environment. PowerShell includes a command-line shell, object-oriented scripting language, and a set of tools for executing scripts/cmdlets and managing modules. Create a list box control, and select items from it. ps1 PowerShell script, and working with a few of the controls on the form. The problem you are having is how PowerShell loads the script. ps1 script files. Powershell gui enter variable to text box. Aug 26, 2019 · As a result, it is possible to write GUI front ends for the scripts you create. Just store your scripts in a set of properly named folders, and read the list from the folders, and process a selection. Oct 14, 2024 · Learn how to build PowerShell menus. 7"). md at master · dan-osull/PowerShell-Script-Menu-Gui Oct 9, 2023 · While the process of defining a combo box is similar to defining a label or any other GUI element, two things make combo boxes unique. Shows how to populate and work with array objects. Plenty of examples out there, personally I have never created a Powershell GUI from scratch, usually the get-credentials and the out-gridview have been good enough. GUIアプリケーションでは、GUIの部品となるオブジェクトを画面上に配置して作られます。いくつかのオブジェクトを実際に配置してみます。 ラベル. - bemperum/PS-Terminal-GUI i have a script which created a small windows gui form with buttons depending on the scenarios;-> on clicking, these buttons open respective files on remote file shares;following is the code; Apr 3, 2012 · I have a Powershell V2 script that is done and all dandy. 🔹 PowerShell GUI Script Template. It's easy to customise and fast to launch. Shows how to create Forms, add labels, text boxes, panels, combo boxes, Pick Lists, and more. - Raphire/Win11Debloat Nov 19, 2024 · The menu creation process begins by creating a menu strip. 1 ServerOpsMenu PSGallery PowerShell module to provide maintenance menu for Windows servers 1. I want to display another form lets say B when the user clicks on a buttton but without opening a child dialog box. Oct 3, 2019 · Each menu option will launch another script or exit the launcher. File select menu with PowerShell (not dialog box) 0. Apr 10, 2015 · Since PowerShell is also based on . com and i am really lost here. Feb 17, 2016 · Writing a menu in PowerShell can be done but it can involve writing extra code to handle not only the presentation of the menu, but also handling the selection that is made by the user. Oct 6, 2021 · Windows PowerShell provides abstract classes and interfaces that allow you to create a custom interactive UI that hosts the Windows PowerShell engine. You may want to put it in a package and reference the package. I’m excited to announce the release of Connect-365! Back in 2012, I put together a basic script with a GUI to simplify connecting to Exchange Online via remote PowerShell. The restart part will allow you to close the systray tool and open it again 10 seconds later (in case of bug). To demonstrate how to build custom shortcut menus, I have added a shortcut menu to the script we saw above. Labelクラスを用いて作成できます。 Feb 22, 2023 · } # End of menu function} # End of Menu loop. Based on the option select by the user from the drop down menu, it launch runs script 1 or script 2: how to connect my two PowerShell scripts to these two drop down menu options? any tutorial links will be greatly appreciated. You can create nested menus that contain sub menu items. To accommodate for this functionality, the New-MenuItem function has three parameters: Text – The label the user will click on; MyScriptPath – The path to the PowerShell script to execute; ExitOnly – The option to exit the launcher. Function Show-ScriptMenuGui { . If a script uses WPF for GUI-purposes, an XAML-file with the same name as the script, is placed in the GUI-folder to take advantage of module-functionality. - pa-0/PS-script-launcher-GUI-menu Build a powershell WPF GUI that pretty much shows you a list of all your scripts that you index into an SQLite DB and categorize manually by adding other columns to the DB. Both Menu 1 and Menu 1 will display two submenus. Make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts with a CSV file. I was a 4 year specialist in the U. Apr 9, 2019 · Learn how to create a simple GUI for your PowerShell script using . Returns value of selected menu item; Returns index of selected menu item (using -ReturnIndex switch); Multi-selection support (using -MultiSelect switch), use spacebar to select items UI++ is no doubt a robust tool. net framework that provides the user with a graphical interface to add alternate data streams (ADS) to files on a NTFS file system. Dec 9, 2022 · PowerShell Universal is more than a tool to build a GUI for PowerShell scripts. This is the fist of a series of videos showing how to make a GUI based script using freely available tools. cdromcollection. MenuGUI. Net Windows. You have the option to run any of these options as a normal user or as an Admin. You basically want the GUI to show, offer the option of either running the rest of the script, and exit (without continuing and running the remainder of the script) or to carry on and run the rest of the script. Everthing is Gui based, they can either enter data in a gui form or import data from csv to specific functions. However, I was able to dig up a couple PowerShell Scripts, that you can use to Generate a GUI for your own PowerShell Scripts. But if you have basic experience with PowerShell scripting then there’s no reason for you not to learn and adapt the practice of creating GUI for your scripts. PSHost class. cs' Library for . If you don’t like the way the GUI looks, you can easily change it. Load required assemblies. Create drop down menu for every item in a list. Add the below function snippet to the Jan 30, 2021 · Items within the menus can provide actions to take when the menu item is clicked. That way it can be run on any administrative client rather than having to set up web server running a web GUI that in turn runs a PowerShell script. Do you have favourite scripts that go forgotten? Does your organisation have scripts that would be useful to frontline staff who are not comfortable with the command line? This module uses a CSV file to make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts. Una de las desventajas significativas de los scripts de PowerShell, cuando son usados por los usuarios (no por los administradores de sistemas o los programadores), es su interfaz de línea de comandos. Austin, if you ever read this, thanks again for all your help and hope you are doing amazing!… PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. ps1) file. DESCRIPTION Aug 24, 2016 · Implementing the menu: To implement the menu, simply add a new "Run PowerShell Script" step at the beginning of your Task Sequence and point it to the attached PowerShell ps1 file in this post. I pass parameters to it via myscript. NET's Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) reader. Author Recent Posts Michael PietroforteMichael Pietroforte is the founder and editor in chief of 4sysops. Jul 6, 2019 · To make GUI creation as simple as possible, I’ve adapted to using Visual Studio to design my forms, and convert them to PowerShell . It also comes with a nice PowerShell script editor that supports debugging. Although GUI-based PowerShell scripts are often complex, it's relatively easy to create a simple GUI. May 3, 2012 · Here is a sample using Windows Forms. Jul 2, 2021 · Another way is to build a GUI. 1. PowerShell Universal has rich features and offers advanced capabilities, such as rate limiters and token-based authentication. ps1 from PowerShell command line directly, the script runs, the GUI appears and everything is fine. This project allows for the creation of UIs that run on Windows, Linux and Mac. They output script that works with Terminal. Thanks in advance everyone. Migrate Windows user profile to a new machine using Microsoft USMT with a PowerShell GUI. Creating a for loop to consolidate powershell menu-driven script. net, we can use Visual Studio to draw and design a GUI, then easily import it into PowerShell to use to make our own GUIS, but with our favorite scripting language used as the engine (instead of C#). eject() My target system is running Script requirements: You are to develop a PowerShell script that displays a list of options to the user, prompts for input, and runs the function selected. show-menu} # End of Script loop. If you’ve ever worked with HTML Markup, you’ll find that this is just as easy, as you simply need to change the Values in the GUI Script, until Oct 10, 2017 · Powershell - GUI and menustrips. NET. GUIs can really come in handy, too! You can use them in scripts to guide execution a specific way, and even ease people into using PowerShell scripts that may otherwise stray away from anything command-line. For example, I have a form A that has buttons and textboxes. The first is that, because a combo box acts as a drop-down menu, you must populate it with menu choices. First, we’ll build the menu function. The last time I had a series of windows automation that needed a GUI, I used AutoIT Script to fire the scripts and parse the output for display. The Exit button will allow you to close the systray tool. com. Repository of practice, guides, list, and scripts to help with cyber security. ), REST APIs, and object models. El resultado de los scripts se muestra en la consola CLI de PowerShell y no siempre es conveniente para el usuario final. Helpful for script sharing with your IT department! Sep 12, 2024 · PowerShell can create GUI applications using Windows Forms. My goal is to execute a Powershell Script when clicking on the "Start Deploy" Button and catch everything written by that Script in the TextBook1 Window. com Dec 9, 2022 · Use Windows PowerShell 3. ps1), there will be no shell, just a GUI with big buttons :-) to run this or that. Your code MUST contain comments to explain it. In this post, you will Nov 8, 2020 · I would like to know how to do a gui powershell application that allows user to navigate through forms without using modal dialog boxes but only the parent dialog. Although we add only one menu in this example, a menu strip is still necessary. Oct 7, 2019 · Description = 'Use a CSV file to make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts. I will show you how to add a text box into your PowerShell GUI to handle that input. 0. Forms. Jun 17, 2020 · Learn how to create a menu driven PowerShell GUI with SpiderZebra. People all around the world are creating amazing automation using Powershell. I need to execute respective powershell script based on the menu selection. Read more about Sean and his previous blog posts. Members Online tip for readability apparently not many people know Make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts with a CSV file. See demo and Examples. See the Project Site on GitHub for full documentation. e. May 18, 2013 · I am writing a PowerShell script that gives the user a number of options to select from. Once an option is selected, a function is executed and the user is returned back to the original menu. Most of the Gui's are dynamically built based on what functionality you want to use with what modules. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. Building PowerShell GUIs may seem complicated, especially if you are a beginner. Building an interactive menu is a great example. We will add picture on submenus for Menu1. Windows. Management. The example provided serves as a foundation for more complex Jan 2, 2025 · You could write a graphical user interface (GUI) for your script but that can get complicated. Weekend Scripter: Extending PowerShell to the GUI with Sapien Tools Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson here. The problem is, I can't seem to get the file path to record as a variable to be used later. - dan-osull/PowerShell-Script-Menu-Gui Make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts with a CSV file. You can also add Windows programs and files to . Provide easy to use, accessible tools for creating UI for Powershell scripts. ps1 script. PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. Other methods are just too fiddly, and it might be really hard to maintain the scripts. Nov 6, 2019 · Use a CSV file to make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts. I've gotten a portion of it all running, but I am having trouble figuring out how to display the results/output from the powershell console to a textbox. Building Custom Shortcut Menus in PowerShell. Here's a working form that displays a textbox in WPF. PowerShell Universal takes its front-end capabilities a step further by integrating with standard HTTP requests and supporting custom PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. I’ll call this Show-Menu. ps1 file to "launch" the script, the PowerShell prompt quickly opens and closes, and there's no GUI (it terminates immediately). Sep 4, 2010 · A third script is available as a menu item that runs the Set-IseColorsAndFonts. I made many PowerShell Scripts with a GUI, i really recommend doing it with Sapien PowerShell Studio. 3 InteractiveMenu PSGallery Powershell interactive menu 1. Summary: Learn how to build a handy PowerShell menu GUI launched from the system tray in this handy article! Make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts with a CSV file. There is no need for using HTML when you're making a GUI for PowerShell scripts because the GUI can be embedded in the script. Mar 26, 2021 · I'm trying to create an interactive menu in Powershell. See below an overview of the final result: PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. - dan-osull/PowerShell-Script-Menu-Gui Mar 20, 2024 · Use a CSV file to make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts. Below is the co GUIオブジェクトの作成と配置. Do you have a PowerShell GUI that needs to accept text input? Maybe you want to be able to copy and paste a list of computers, ip addresses, user names or some other data. 0 and later releases to create a dialog box that lets users select items from a list box control. 2 MenuSelect PSGallery Module description 0. Also created menu items that assists in creating the buttons, panels, and colour schemes. To add a GUI to PowerShell scripts, there are two most commonly used frameworks: This module uses a CSV file to make a graphical menu of PowerShell scripts. Whenever the 'go' button is pressed to start the script from the dialog box, the GUI freezes. Fortunately, Microsoft PowerShell provides a way to build small, interactive menus inside a PowerShell script, allowing users to provide input quickly and easily. I have two PowerShell scripts. Mar 16, 2016 · @Jean-ClaudeD. 2 MenuShell PSGallery Make console menus in seconds with MenuShell 0. It's a very complex application with over 2500 powershell modules, 150k lines of code. kjopxcvmqrmcgybodsbcjrooggngzeizhtpjmzwsoodxarzyqjmzrsiabasxeemf